I’m old enough to remember when ASUS was viewed as one of the best hardware manufacturers you could go with.
It has been a long, slow decline for ASUS. They really manufactured their own demise here.
When was that? I don’t think I’ve ever viewed them as anything except junk and I had an asus laptop in 2007 or 8.
The usual. Hardware quality slowly goes to shit, company starts getting tricksy with consumers to make money instead of making quality product.
The big one was the BIOS update that nearly fried a lot of 670 motherboards that ASUS turned around and tried to avoid taking responsibility for, trying to pin issues on the consumer.
It’s capitalists being capitalists. Completely ruining their brand to squeeze out a short term 1% increase in revenue.
We are in the “how many of my customers can I screw over and completey piss off and still make a profit” stage of capitalism.
Puts out defective products then misleads consumers to think they have voided their warranty so they can’t get a replacement for said defective products.
There’s more too it but that’s the main thing that made people turn on them.
You’ve just described my entire experience with the Transformer tablet. After a year of sending it in within days of receiving it “repaired,” the day after my warranty ended, they said they discovered a faulty network chip and could replace it for the price of a new tablet plus shipping both ways.
I’ve been shouting “Fuck ASUS” for the past 10 years and I’m so glad I can now join others in it.
Sending out defective boards, then refusing RMAs for said defective boards. They basically go “You voided the warranty by opening it, lul git fukd loser.”
Never mind the fact that (unless the board is visibly broken somehow) you’d need to open it and plug shit in to test it. So there would be no way to test it without voiding the warranty. It’s a catch-22 in action.
The truly shitty part is that using the board doesn’t void the warranty. But ASUS is claiming the people trying to RMA all have voided warranties. If it were only one or two, then yeah it may be scammers trying to avoid losing money after roasting a board. But it quickly turned into a Boy Who Cried Wolf scenario, where nobody is believing ASUS anymore because they’re basically just blanket denying every single warranty RMA.
The problem with asus was all the engineers who cared went to asrock when they split. For those who don’t know, asrock started life as a subsidiary for asus to cover the low end and OEM markets. There used to be a lot of shared engineering between the two companies but there started to be some bad blood between each other as asus was releasing server hardware and asrock was releasing enthusiasts hardware. Ultimately it was decided since neither side wanted to stop stepping on the others toes they would let asrock fully separate from asus as a company and let the market decide things. Ironically that only lasted for three years before the majority stake in asrock was bought up by Pegatron, a company owned partially owned by asus…
their enshittification is sad.
they were always my go to for quality motherboards. oh well.
When the imposter is ASUS!
I must be in the minority here because I’ve never had major issues with ASUS products, though the caveat here is I have only used their motherboards. I’m using an x570-PLUS right now and it has been solid since purchase.
A lot of their shady practices are on their laptop side. For example their ROG laptops support USB PD as their main way of charging however asus forces you to use their own chargers. If you decide to use a third party USB PD charger (of the same wattage or greater mind you) then your laptop will disable the dedicated GPU and limits your fan speed profile to silent which causes your CPU to throttle under heavy load.
It’s not all of the sudden Gamer Nexus dropped them as a sponsor and tore them a new one months ago.
They don’t care about their customers. They just want your money.