I should actually be working 8h a day, but most of it is spend not working. If I’m honest I’m probably working more like 3h a day even though I enjoy my job.
All 8 hours. It’s a physical job, I’m on my feet all day, but it’s one of the better ones I’ve had recently.
Maybe three
Nice try, Boss Man!
8 hour day, I work 7.5 of that. As soon as I enter the yard I’m in work mode. I work in the city gardens. I’m not surrounded by too many distractions like computers, phones and friends because I’m outside on site and I keep the work conversations about work only. Less drama that way.
Really depends on the day, tbh. Sometimes I’m on calls and training all day. Sometime shit really blows up and needs to be repaired.
But many days, not much. We could easily go to a four day workweek and I’d still get all my shit done.