Who the fuck almost died in second period?
Worse thing that happened in my chemistry class is I accidentally spilled sulfuric acid on my hand and another student painted her face with silver nitrate and then got sent home for being in black face after it reacted to the sun. NGL, that one was funny as hell.
Ooof, my lab’s safety officer would have loved this. And by love I mean gone absolutely ballistic.
protip: hot glass looks the same as cold glass
False. Really hot glass would glow red, and sometimes cold glass would have condensation depending on the humidity.
Not always, but once it starts looking different we’ve moved past asking what degree the burn is and into “do you keep the appendage that touched it?”
If you went to the hospital in the back seat of a car? The glass looked room temperature.
Yeah I think people can get tripped up by the fact that glass does glow red when it’s melty. Don’t fight that thought, lean into it, explain just how wildly hot glass needs to be before it looks any different and what that will do to the biology that touches it
I suspect 7th period is not the teachers favorite class
I wanna know about the near death experience!