Hey everyone
I’ve got an old Mac Mini running Proxmox, right now all it has is a LXC for Plex and a Debian VM for Docker (OpenVPN/Transmission and Screeps server).
What is everyone’s preferred monitoring solution?
I’m mostly interested in getting easy access to syslogs, seeing CPU/RAM/Disk space for the Proxmox host, VM and LXC. I have a Mac app called Daisy Disk that shows me all my data on my disk in a nice UI, something with similar capability would be great.
I randomly installed Netdata, didn’t love it. Ran into issues with Cockpit and gave up, but I’d try it again if it’s considered the best. But I’d love to hear options, preferably with minimal setup and maintenance (wish is probably wishful thinking). Don’t hate Proxmox VE, but I feel like I can do better.
Netdata for me, it reports stats and metrics for VMs and containers too, automatically, and it’s easy to install in Proxmox.
Netdata can also expose metrics to prometheus which you can then use in Grafana for more advanced/customizable dashboards https://learn.netdata.cloud/docs/exporting-metrics/prometheus
I use Prometheus, Grafana and the proxmox exporter.
Important to note that I run this on a separate machine, not on the proxmox server itself!
I’ve used influx and grafana in the past
There are some good options here for further reading
I use grafana that gets data from a Zabbix server and also a proxmox exporter for prometheus, most VM also have a zabbix agent, mainly to monitor disk usage.
Zabbix for everything here.