Pledges coming from proprietary software companies mean nothing
Get behind the community that is _really_ fighting to curb climate change:
Climate was only cool while you could buy fake carbon credits to make up lies about responsible computing at scale. Now we save the world with AI once again. Next year, compute on mars, true planetary scale! Cloud? We’re doing Starsystem now!
Carbon credits weren’t, and are not fake
They just never did anything.
pledges coming from any capitalist for-profit company mean nothing.
unless the pledge is cutting costs or making line go up or laying off a third of your employees.
Pledges coming from capitalists means nothing.
In a sense maybe it’s a good thing this big AI hype is here so prematurely. People will misuse it and rely too heavily on it, and it will fuck everything up, since it can’t really do what these execs and the media want to claim it can do. So it will fuck up and hopefully people will learn from that. And we can start seeing products advertised as AI free.
And then when AI finally does get to the point where it is capable of doing these amazing things, we will be more careful at that time. Maybe. Hopefully.
@jocarren code should not be completly #AI free: “RTMF!!1” “AI, Sir”
But hey, they’re still good, they have that green leaf in their windows settings. They’re good, right?