Edit: Someone sent this to me, but I found a source discussing it.
So they turned it into an inverse frag grenade?
Would you care to read the article? They weren’t thin walled capsules, they were cairns. It made it so the statues were a solid block of material. There would be no or little fragmentation or spalling effect towards the statue.
I have a rock that keeps away sharks and bears if your interested in buying it, I’ve always had it and have never been attacked by either thus proving it works. /s
Good news, it’s a suppository.
Edit: I just saw the article and the author’s own joke is the best actually.
In another context, their form is obviously a lingam; and we all know Michelangelo loved the lingam.
Lingam is a devotionary shape associated with Shiva that looks like this, and also a dick.
reminds me of the time cuntykarenmomtwats tried removing the david from school curriculum because PeNiSbAaAaAaAaD
when he says he’s all bricked up