Just had this Lather Catcher show up last night. I’m absolutely in love with it. Heljestrand’s have such nice steel and I haven’t met one yet I didn’t love. I have no idea why, but Lather Catchers just drive me crazy. I think they’re so neat.
I grabbed this from Maggards. Came with 3 Half Hollow wedge blades total. 2 should be usable, 1 is iffy but I’m going to see what I can do.
I don’t think I’ll polish it. I did scrub and wash it some, but I like the look it has now. I’m hoping to try and get one of the blades honed tonight.
Great find! Curious to hear how it shaves.
I agree with you on the existing patina. It has a steam-punk look. Really cool. Great find!
Very steampunk indeed. From what I can tell, these were made by Heljestrand between 1900 and 1939. The lines along the back give me really strong 30’s vibes. The most steampunk looking decade!
Great catch! The leather is for stropping the blades?
It is. It has a little clip in the middle that holds the blades. From what I gather, you set the blade in the clip and pull the leather, then flip and pull it the other way. It’s cool. I’ll try to remember to grab a pic showing that this evening.