6 points
90% of these have been made up for comedic purposes, right?
3 points
I kind of like the rolled rose. But it does seem a bit much
3 points
13 points
But how do you keep it from just sinking down into the pocket every 20mins? That’s the guide I need.
1 point
13 points
7 points
4 points
3 points
Every tailored suit I’ve worn has had a tight enough lapel pocket to keep a square in place by friction alone. And about 70% of the above folds will make you look like a tryhard goof who thinks flashy/complex=fashionable. Or, like the rose, they’ll make your pocket bulge in a way that ruins the whole point of a sleek suit silhouette.
2 points
Some of these could’ve been my nickname at one point or another.
2 points
“Commander, we have achieved PEAK POCKET” -
“God help us all”