“breaking new liberals are ignorant” i know this isnt new to us but i couldnt resist and entered a political discord server and debated with someone on why Lenin wasnt anti-semite? and why Marx wasnt anti-semite either especially considering how his father is jewish himself…and then the guy switched to how the soviet union was anti-semitic because they seized synagogues belongings? and i tried to explain why this wasnt directed at jews but rather religious institutions as a whole because of the power they held in the russian empire…he also used the “muh authoritarianism, vanguard party authoritarian” which ofcourse he would mention not knowing that reactionary movements would have eleminated the revolutionary progress made if it werent for the vanguard party protecting it. He then proceeded to compare the vanguard party to israel because i said the vanguard party and with it the people need to hold all power to protect the revolution which he translated into “yuh but if you are anti-israel that means that israel should also protect itself from the palestinians for its survival” (him being pro-israel). Funny thing is that he considered himself a socialist eventhough he admitted to not like marx and called himself a pre-marxist socialist? He also admitted to never have read theory and this is the part that annoys me the most: He called himself a socialist…

Everytime i try to be reasonable with these people they pull out the most randome take out of their asses and i try to educate them but they mock me. All i can hope for is that they will become class-conscious and be enlightened about the all the trash propaganda they have been fed…but aslong as this isnt the case if fear they will need to face the wall if they keep being the enemies of the people

32 points

most of the time, debating online is just useless. frustrating. pointless. who cares if somebody is wrong on the internet.

19 points

true, its a guilty pleasure of mine tho…idek why, the sheer shock of being exposed to these radioactive amounts of bullshit make it hard to look away…like a car accident


Use when you realize you went too far

15 points

yes, it’s the same for everybody. and sometimes you just encounter positions that are just so pure lunacy that you feel the URGE to say something. Hours wasted, goals forgotten, loved ones sitting in houses with each other distracted all day by technology made by the hands of other poor souls in sweat shops in a foreign land.

10 points

And the reason they hold those completely nonsensical opinions is because they know people can’t resist telling them how wrong they are. They do it for attention. And there are a lot of people like that out there, especially young people, because they aren’t getting the attention they need in their real life, so they fish for any kind of attention, even people calling them dumbasses on the internet, because they’re so desperate for it.

8 points

The fools talk much more than the wise. I wonder about just blocking most of the people I don’t find interesting. Then I could only see writings from sensible and interesting people.

Maybe there is a technical solution, which doesn’t require so much effort by the user.

5 points

technical solution are palliatives, but why not…

23 points

Just dunk on them and refuse to elaborate, it’s simple really.

12 points

17 points

for your own mental health, set some limits on how much you engage with this sort of thing

it’s fine to make an effort post/response on occasion, but do not assume you are going to convince anyone really, just write for the lurkers

do not get drawn into the shit, just make your points/refutations as clear and concise as possible

the internet traffic flows based on a ‘best effort’ protocol, so just make a best effort if you feel compelled, but don’t keep getting ‘baited’ by shit libs

17 points

Plant the seeds. Don’t get dragged into a protracted argument if it doesn’t turn into a good faith conversation. Take a deep breath. It’s ok. Things take time.

6 points

I tried to write that in 200 paragraphs and the comrade above said it beautifully in a single one. Listen to them.

15 points

One time I tried to talk to someone about communism in general to get him to understand exactly what it stands for, I realised 15 min into the conversation that the guy was some kind of libertarian/fascist. I still tried to get my point across for another 15 min, but he wouldn’t hear any of it, always referring to the same shit over and over again. I left while I could still stay sane.

On the other hand, I successfully deprogrammed my coworker (I don’t know if that’s the correct term in English) and introduced him to marxist ideas and over time he went from borderline fascist to socialist. It took time and effort but I think it was worth it.

Some people are just lost, don’t know why they think what they think and it’s hard work to get our point across and for that point to be properly understood but its not lost on everyone, it’s tiring but it’s necessary. I guess the main thing is to know when you’re wasting your time and energy.


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