Playing the switch version, about 8 in game days in, doing some crops but not sure what else I should be doing, mainly interacting with other characters. What advice can you give me?
The community centre can be a really interesting place.
Going to the mines can also be quite rewarding.
Keep track of who likes what
If you’re having fun, you’re doing what you should be. If you’re getting bored, however, and you’re past Spring 5, there’s a couple of things you might have missed:
- You should have a quest or two in your log to give you a goal or two. Not sure what the button to open the quest log is on switch, but there should be one.
- Some days, the Help Wanted board outside Pierre’s will have a villager request you can do. You won’t be able to do all the requests at this point, and they do have a 2 day time limit, but the money and friendship are nice early on.
- Have you been checking your mail? You should have gotten a letter asking you to come by a place. ::: spoiler Willy’s fish shop :::
- Also in the mail: you should have gotten a notice that a new area has opened up. ::: spoiler the mine :::
- Enter town from the bus stop between 8am and 1pm on a non-rainy day for an important cutscene. If you’ve already seen it, but don’t know how to progress, make sure to look around inside, especially at shiny things. ::: spoiler the community center :::
Got the rod BTW, did first wizard meetup too. Worried about time because the major says that if anyone else goes to joja the community place gets sold,
Thx for the tips, will play more tomorro
Don’t worry, time doesn’t affect the Joja/community center thing. You’re good to do it at your own pace.
Glad to help! Hope you enjoy it.
Oki :3
Also, one more question before I get some rest
Which spring veg are most profitable?
Need some cash a lil faster, have some beans growing, but that will be a few more days
Have fun and do whatever you want!
It’s a very chill game, but you can make it as stressful as you want by trying to do everything.
There’s no time limit, you can play for as many years as you want, so don’t stress and try and get everything done as fast as possible (unless that’s fun for you).
How does the friendship mechanic work? Does it need specific times? Just talking isn’t doing anything.
But yea, been focusing on farming mostly.
Talking gives a very small friendship bonus, almost non noticable, but it does a tiny bit. The key is giving gifts. You can talk to anyone while holding anything, and you will give them the thing you’re holding as a gift. Each person likes different things, and will respond if they like it or not. You can track who likes what by clicking on their profile in the social tab ( ❤️ icon). It’ll track what items you gave them and what their feelings on it were.
Also there are items you can discover, and also conversations with others that will clue you in to what some people like.
Always check to see if you can donate something to the museum/community center before tossing it, dig up the little wiggly worms that appear in the dirt, collect as much stuff as possible for crafting, picking up seasonal fruit is easy money and a great way to explore, you’ll find secret notes and instructions that can be accessed in your menu that give directions to find special items and cutscenes so keep an eye out for those, parts of the map will only unlock after certain events are done, the fishing rod can be cast at an angle if you toggle the joycon while casting… but most importantly have fun! It’s a pretty dense game with lots of love put into it.