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Patrick Breyer, a staunch defender of digital rights, laments the Pirate Party’s exit from the EU Parliament as a blow to online privacy.
Sad to see 'cause it feels like we need Pirate Parties more than ever.
#ChatControl and #EUGoingDark . None of this has even been discussed in the run-up to this election.
Increasingly it does look like Europe really is going dark.
Right-wing populism is on the rise through the whole continent, it‘s scary. I can feel it here in switzerland and can see it in neighbouring countries like france and germany.
Here in Finland the Left Alliance increased votes by 10% while True Finns(hard right party) decreased support massively across the whole country. Only one true finn got voted in.
So at least we got that going for us…
It is surprising how much the landscape changed in just 5 years. All the right wing parties got a boost, but most importantly, the ultra right and christian right parties. All those are surely going to want to implement ChatControl and measures like that because “We need to protect our children!”
I’m also scared of all the new Q-Anon type parties that last time didn’t even exist and this time won a few seats. Ultra right conspiracy theorists that now have more seats than even the pirates.
Also look at the results from Gernany or Austria. AfD and Orban. Pro nazi and pro russian parties. We’re going back in time for a remake.
Yeah this is sad. Aside from his normal MEP duties, Breyer did incredible journalistic work on the EU plans on centralizing incredible power and creating a digital hellscape in Europe. They are planning to go full CIA on us.
That’s a massive blow. Still, Czech Pirates have a bit of representation, so all hopes on them.
Those are the dark times, but the black flag will rise again.
It’s a sad day. E.g. former MEP Felix Reda did incredible work around the time of the 2017 EU copyright reform and helped the protests through transparency.
Now with the risk of badly written laws enabling (atm. restricted) surveillance, we’d have needed them more than ever. Luckily there’s still MEPs from the Czech Republic in the EU parliament.