Basically, don’t make definitive statements about things you don’t understand. Just try to be as helpful as you can with the knowledge you have.
It also helps if you’re not struggling with a narcissistic personality disorder that causes you to make definitive statements in the first place.
I’m a lifetime fellow of the impostor club. At times I believe it’s the dunning-kreuger club, and I just keep failing upwards.
Sure, the downtime I accidentally caused was only 30 minutes. BUT IT WAS FUCKING DOWNTIME. Zero is the only acceptable duration.
The biggest misunderstanding of the Dunning Kruger effect is the idea that it only applies to certain people. It applies to everyone, we all overestimate our expertise at times. It’s a cognitive bias that we all have to knowingly watch out for, not something that indicates stupidity.
Don’t you mean 3?
Tackle, splash and flail? … Krugered it all on purpose for the meme. As I’m a Gen 1 player:X
Here’s a good post, that argues the dunning-kruger effect is not real. I guess I am one of those annoying “well actually, …” types now.