In short, open source APIs for everything.
- Open up Facebook Messenger to Matrix, allowing interoperability with all Matrix clients
- Open up Facebook/Instagram to ActivityPub, allowing for third party clients
- Remove account gates for public Facebook/Instagram pages
- RSS feeds for public Facebook/Instagram pages
End all advertising/tracking etc, and charge people $1 per month to use it, or $12 annual fee.
Shut them down.
Why not just remove the bad bits? Can you not see a single positive function of these products?
Actually that’s a terrible idea. Look how abandonnés we feel with Reddit basically kicking everyone out. It hasn’t even shut down! I would instead work on removing the data gathering aspect of Meta, no more tracking, no more data selling, no more advertising. Then I would open source everything (maybe keep security parts private at first)
I would Elon the shit out of that thing until there’s only ashes.
I think we need to make this a thing.
“I’ve got a stack of boxes in the garage I need to go full Elon on.”
“Yeah she was so pissed off she went Elon on his car.”
Sell it for the best offer and retire