I have a tub of Vaseline and have hardly scratched the surface. I’m curious whether anyone uses it for anything other than their lips.
O-rings. Lube them up so they don’t leak in use/dry out in storage for my cheap-o pool, works great.
I slather it on my face before bed as a mask. Works great to fight acne imo
This is surprising advice. I would have assumed it would make people break out.
Vaseline is a poor choice of moisturiser because it does not moisturise. It blocks air from entering your pores and I would have assumed this leads to clogged pores and hence acne.
It also forms a protective barrier for your skin, so nothing can contaminate it or grow on it and you don’t lose moisture to evaporation.
Also, pores don’t actually clog from stuff getting into them. That’s a common misconception that mostly comes from advertisements. What actually happens is your skin becomes inflamed (due to contaminants or bacterial growth or diet or hormones) and squeezes the pores shut. Blackheads aren’t dirt but are actually oxidized sebum, which is the oil your skin secretes.
EDIT Oh! Speaking of protective barriers, I also put it on my hands and forearms before work because I handle a lot of machine oil and that irritates my skin, causing rashes and itchiness.
Interesting. Maybe I don’t know as much as I thought. Let me do some more reading…
It is also great to take makeup off or products that build up (like sunscreen).
Oh… You know. Hehehe
YES. Tiny cuts.
You know when you get a paper cut or similar, (not a scratch, a clean cut) and it stings and is really irritating, but it’s not deep enough to bleed much if at all?
Whack some vaseline on it. You block the air from your nerves and get instant relief.
Also use it sometimes to prevent chafing, like before a long bike ride.
That’s exactly what it was originally meant for.
Native Americans discovered the use of petroleum jelly for protecting and healing skin.[4] Sophisticated oil pits had been built as early as 1415–1450 in Western Pennsylvania.[5] In 1859, workers operating the United States’s first oil rigs noticed a paraffin-like material forming on rigs in the course of investigating malfunctions. Believing the substance hastened healing, the workers used the jelly on cuts and burns.
I’m pretty sure that most of what Neosporin is is Vaseline… And it makes sense. It’s basically Vaseline with a mild antibiotic.
Vaseline is awesome for preventing scars too: when the wound is still open, use Neosporin, but after it closes up a bit and is just healing, switch to Vaseline and just keep it in Vaseline until it’s totally gone.
To fill sometimes that empty inside your heart