European here! For me it’s…
0 = Water freezes
100 = Water boils
Fahrenheit as far as I can tell:
~100 = Hot enough that it shows up on the news
~400-450 = Cooking, because our stove is in Fahrenheit for some unknown reason.
All other temperatures in F = no idea.
You can think of F as a “% hot” measurement for weather.
0 = no heat: getting dangerously cold for humans. 50 = half hot, half cold: wear long pants and a jacket. 75 = three quarters hot, getting close to t shirt weather. 100= fully hot: getting dangerous for humans.
Yes you can go over or under, but you can consider those to be extreme weather (120% hot!)
C is a measurement for water.
Acclimatization is a whole thing. I remember thinking 65F / 18C was cold once upon a time, then I moved north and now only bother putting on a jacket if it’s below 40F / 5C or so (but now I start seriously suffering above 85F / 30 C where that used to be my ideal temp).
People who pretend certain temps are objectively not that cold or hot have never moved from one climate to another, I think. The person you replied to must be from a hot area.
Sorry but that makes no sense to me.
Is 0% hot no extra heat, like perfect room temp or is it zero heat, the death of all life?
What does 100% hot mean?
You arranged it for yourself to make sense of it, but no need to rationalise it. It’s only good, cause you’re used to it, or doesn’t “feel more human” than Celsius.
I’ve been in a sauna with 100°C ( what’s that? 250°F?) It’s doable, but that’s probably my personal max. So 100°C air temp is now 100%? Mmmh doesn’t really work that great.
All in all, temperature unit is just data points, the interpretation is individual. Fahrenheit is not “more suitable for humans” than any other unit.
0 = Well below freezing, about as cold as it gets anywhere that isn’t frozen year-round. Dress like you’re climbing Everest.
25 = Just below freezing, very cold but not record breaking anywhere people own snow shovels. Bulky jacket and gloves.
50 = Cold to cool, depending on your baseline. Put on a thick sweater or a jacket.
75 = Perfect, slightly above room temperature. T-shirt and shorts.
100 = About as hot as it gets anywhere that isn’t a desert. Tank top and sunscreen, and stay in the shade.
Wait euro ovens are in Fahrenheit as well? I just thought it was our identity crisis measurements in Canada.
Canadians usually follow this. It isn’t 100% correct, but close enough.
Having used a lot of Celsius and metric in college sciences, they don’t bother me so much. But when it comes to certain applications, I’m more used to farenheight. For example temperature as it relates to human comfort.
Like I know 35 c is hot, and anything in the 40+ is miserable. But I also know I prefer temperatures to be in the 72-75 range for optimum comfort and thus have to do a bit of math if I need that in Celsius.
Same the other way around. I (european) regularly read about “100 degrees weather” somewhere in the US and my first thought always is “damn, that’s as hot as boiling water”.
0 is freezing (32F)
10 is cold (50F)
20 is nice (68F)
30 is hot (86F)
Toronto is basically due east of where I live. 10C is pretty nice out. Hell, sometimes I don’t wear a coat when its 0C
We all know “that guy”.
Here’s celcius
0° - freezes
100° - boils
10° - freezes
30° - boils
Why can’t I be more like water?
I talked with an american so i of course used ammo (9mm) as a scale