This is the smallest I’ve seen her warp to? I can’t. I just can’t with this. 😡I am so angry that she does this and so many don’t catch it. It’s effing with people’s brains and they don’t even realize it
This post made me wanna go to reddit snark page and I was horrored as I got to notice it has been banned. This is outrageous. She does this and she gets the reddit snark BANNED?? Who is she paying and how much??
I don’t know if you watched her stories yesterday but I found the write up under her daughter’s art piece really troubling. I would never post it here but I really wonder what’s going on in that family.
I agree. She posted a pic of her art with the description below it. Then she shared a close up photo of an art description that was not her daughters but she didn’t disclose that until way later. I’m guessing she told Sarah to correct it. Very manipulative.
I don’t think people are processing that there’s differences or something. They’re blinded by this hugely arrogant character she’s created and people are eating it up because you know ‘body positivity and girl power ✌🏻😑😑😑🙄🙄🙄
You know actually upsets me about this pic and Sarah lately? The fact that she has lost weight, quite a bit, and she’s continuing to lose weight, and doesn’t talk about it, or address it in anyway. I think that’s the bigger mind fuck here. That she’s shrinking, cutting calories, and pretending nothing is happening. Funny, I just caught a small creator talking about the wave of thinness hitting us right now and how it directly correlates with suppressing female empowerment. And it’s funny to me how Sarah, who’s built her platform on body positivity, is losing weight right on trend.
There’s been a lot of debate about it on here. But without a doubt she’s lost weight. I’ve seen all the pics. Compare last years Knix shoot to the Getty pics, it’s hard to deny.
Very well said. I feel the wave of thinness as well. Janette posted an article about women displaying muscle out of necessity. Makes sense.
Ya this is bonkers af. She’s def lost weight. But then she filters it down to this? And I’m sure people are asking her if she’s ok and she’s not addressing it.
Another thing I’ve noticed lately is her speaking mannerisms are all over the place. She will bounce from Uber Canadian “sorrey” and “aboot” to California valley girl lispy and vocal fry.
She’s so…well I don’t want to sound like I’m diagnosing so I’ll stop there. Y’all know. But this shit is bananas. B a n a n a s !!!
Okay so… For some reason, my algorithm showed me this troublesome and triggering for me at least ad. I think maybe there are going to be some influencers come out very soon saying that they have been using this product. What do you all think? It seems that some comments that people have made regarding loss of body volume might be gearing up for affiliate links . Now to clarify, everybody’s body is a good body! And everybody deserves body autonomy and can choose to do what they would like to do to their bodies, including take medications, or have surgeries if they so choose. I just can’t help but predict a possible affiliate code for this specific product coming up for quite a few of our “sparkle” repped influencers. Thoughts?
I finally remembered to Google this. Yeah very possibly correct on your part. It is a brand she likes I believe. Horseshit. Its ingredients are nothing special at ALL. I can’t believe (yes I can) they are calling it faux-zempic. It’s vitamin b, chromium, green tea, & probiotics. Give me a fucking break fauxzempic my fat ass!! It would be very troubling if she started shilling this!