The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) reported on Saturday that over 50,000 children in the Gaza Strip are in urgent need of treatment for acute malnutrition, Anadolu Agency reports.

In a statement, the agency said that “with continued restrictions to humanitarian access, people in Gaza continue to face desperate levels of hunger.”

“Over 50,000 children require treatment for acute malnutrition,” it added.

75 points

Netanyahu knows that every time a child dies, Hamas gains sympathizers and people willing to join, and yet Israel keeps saying the eradication of Hamas is the only way to secure their nation. This is a forever war.

41 points

That’s why they’re doing the genocide

5 points

They don’t just gain sympathizers in Gaza. They gain sympathizers globally, especially in ME countries. And the genocide of people in Gaza won’t eliminate the Palestinians, anyways. They are a worldwide diaspora now, just like the Jews.

6 points

I feel like you skipped a few steps in your conclusion, cause having retyped this comment several times now, it does seem logical (though logically evil and morally corrupt; which nobody’s surprised). And I’m not entirely convinced it’s just Netanyahu trying to create a “forever war”

I was gonna say that it seems more like “blatant genocide” than a “forever war”… and how can a war be “forever” if one side is obliterated?

But then I thought, “Maybe genocide is just a bonus for Isreal”, while also being a ‘unique’ way to stir-up the concept of “War on terrorism, in the US”. Their “War on drugs” has lost some traction (and also serves a different purpose), but maybe they can put a convoluted spin on the “War on Terrorism”.

The US is allowing “allies” to commit genocide for the greater good of their own military complex/gain?.. because their current “forever wars” have been experiencing downturns? Maybe it is a “forever war” with genocide as a bonus for Isreal?

I can’t dispute your statement well, because it doesn’t seem too “off key”. It just feels like you’ve made some logical leaps… or I’m just falling into conspiracy-driven-logic. Idk, but I appreciate giving me something to ponder more closely

6 points

I would also suggest you read this article about Netanyahu’s former best friend and about his using this war as a pretext to cement dictatorial power.

I should have definitely given more context.

50 points

Fuck Netanyahu. Fuck Biden.

3 points

You forgot Sinwar

-40 points
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13 points

People! Come together! Fuck 'em all, Netanyahu, Biden AND Hamas.

-2 points

AND Hamas.

And who is going to put up a finger of resistance against your precious genocidal white supremacist settler colonialist project, liberal?


-11 points
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12 points


Fuck Netanyahu. Fuck Biden. Fuck Hamas. Fuck Israel for occupying West Bank.

Let me know If I forgot anything else.

-25 points
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11 points

Hamas is just a tool funded by Netanyahu to excuse the ongoing genocide.

Palestinians have every right to resist being genocided by one of the most evil regimes in history. There could have been socialist or more progressive freedom fighters but they were all destroyed by Israel. Israel wanted the resistance to be Islamist because if there’s going to be a resistance to outright genocide they’re easier to paint as the enemy.

Israel has no right to exist. It’s a white supremaicst ethnostate existing on stolen land. “Israelis” need to abolish the state and go back to their own countries.

They’ve been able to get away with settler-colonialism, apartheid, torture, and genocide for 75 years by playing the “antisemitism” card but that has to come to an end now.

10 points

“Israelis” need to abolish the state and go back to their own countries.

What an absolutely delusional comment. I do not support the way Israel is conducting this war (which is a genocide). But the solution is not the genocide - even the self-committed genocide - of Israel.

The region is multi-ethnic, multi-religious, and multi-cultural. This is a fact that needs to be accepted by both sides.

The morally correct path forward is a secular multiethnic state, or states, that integrates the residents of the area and provides everyone with full and equal rights of citizenship, including fundamental human rights, regardless of their national origin, ethnic heritage, or religion.

As long as people like you keep calling for ethnic cleansing and/or the genocidal abolishment of an entire nation of people based on their nationality - be it Palestinian or Israeli- the outcome will be two tribes locked into an eternal struggle for existence, doing their best to brutally eliminate their enemy while creating future generations of enemies.

7 points

I find these kinds of oversimplifications childish and stifle any effort towards finding solutions. There’s a difference between what ought to happen and what is realistic and achievable. I know we’re on Lemmy and we all agree on the genocide, apartheid, colonialism, etc, but we ought to channel the conversation towards more productive outlets. Maybe you guys just learned about Palestine after October 7, but thie conflict has been going on for 75+ years.

Saying things like “Israelis need to abolish the state and go back to their own countries” is a vacuous and meaningless statement that feels good but contributes nothing. Children born last year in the state of Israel are not directly responsible for the establishment of the state of which they are citizens just like US citizens are not going to return to the original countries of their grandparents and return the lands they settled to Native Americans. It sucks, it happened, but we aren’t reversing the clock of time.

Israel is able to always gain the upper hand after each attack. Every time there is an attack or intifada Israel benefits because it:

a) responds with disproportionate aggression (see 30000+ deaths

b) expands settlements

To say that Israel supports Hamas is also kinda besides the point when the Palestinian population endorses Hamas overwhelmingly.

Instead, in my opinion, we should be pushing for an immediate ceasefire and steer the conversation towards a two state solution and the demolition of illegal settlements incurred in certain areas. The only way we can move forward is by getting realistic concessions from Israel. But that will never happen by using this feel good rhetoric such as eradicating all Israelis from the area. We gotta bring the Israelis to the table and stop the violence asap.

-7 points
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1 point

Oh look… the hasbara has shown up.

1 point

innocent people,

You mean IDF reservists and veterans?

0 points
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26 points

Aid trucks remain stranded at the Southern entry points, with Raremoved closed over Israel crossing Biden’s supposed red line. Israeli citizens - not IOF - routinely block the trucks and destroy their contents while the IOF watches. Israel maintains its blockade of Gaza that it has imposed since 2007 that prevents aid from entering any other way and used pressure campaigns on Turkey and Guinnea-Bissau to hamstring the Gaza Freedom Flotilla.

It’s important to remember that the oppression of Gaza and Palestinians is a central project of Zionism that spans multiple leaders and requires the active consent of several coordinating parties, with the US imperial apparatus at the top and the Israeli Zionist project just below. If Netanyahu died today virtually all of Zionists’ policies would remain in place. Netanyahu was not in power when most of them were instituted.

Opinion polls now show increased support for Netanyahu since October and if you dig just a little deeper you’ll find that the primary complaint of Israelis is that he’s not even more militaristic, more brutal, and “protecting” Israelis in this fashion. In other words, the illusion of immunity was broken and they are lashing out. Imagine who would have power if Netanyahu died.

Biden provides unconditional support to this genocidal project and this is more or less in line with decades of US policy, although he is even to the right of Reagan in that he won’t pick up a phone and actually draw a line. A return to the status quo, which was still horrible for Palestinians, is a bridge too far for the Biden administration. And as you can see, that administration enjoys wide cover from tired and bad faith talking points from a media apparatus that equates the humanization of Palestinians with antisemitism.

If you oppose genocide and consider Palestinians human, then our shared enemies include but also go beyond the current leaders of the United States and Israel. The deeper underlying forces are political economic. They’re why when students demand divestment the University administrations would rather sic cops on them than lose a little cash. They’re why military contractors nearly always get their way. They’re why people like Biden and Netanyahu receive support in the first place, including the tired and politically incompetent lesser evil vote nagging. Political power is not to be a sheep following the orders of wolves, but to become educated and work together.

6 points

Meanwhile, Hamas leaders sit in Qatar, congratulating themselves on what a successful jihad they’ve waged against Israel. The blood of many innocent Palestinian women and children has been shed, which is what they said they needed to draw global attention to the conflict and increase recruiting of future Hamas fighters, funders, and apologists.

-5 points

Hamas are the ruling party of Gaza, a region occupied by Israelis and not permitted elections for over a decade. By international law, they have every right to resist occupation by all necessary means. I have plenty of criticisms of Hamas, but they are not the primary oppressor in Gaza. That is, obviously, reserved for the occupiers that prevent Palestinians from having food and clean water. From having the right of return. For being permanent refugees.

If Palestine falls, the people who supported their disposession will hold land acknowledgements for them. They refuse to oppose actual genocidal and apartheid regimes. They will only feel guilty after the systems they support have finished the deed. This is the outcome produced by comlicity in oppression and disposession.

You will feel better if you reject these horrors.

5 points

Hamas were elected to power by winning a plurality of the votes, whereupon they formed a coalition government. Then they killed their coalition to make a single-party government. The lack of elections in Gaza since then is because Hamas and Fatah can’t agree on the terms and conditions of the next election, which had been scheduled and postponed multiple times prior to this war. In my opinion, the main problem is that Hamas was afraid of losing seats to Fatah, because they were getting very unpopular before the war.

The fact is that elections are not actually blocked by Israel. Good to see that you spout bullshit in your first sentence without checking facts first, though. That tells me how seriously I should take the rest of your comment.

International law does not give any government the right to resist occupation by any or “all necessary means.” That’s another little lie you slipped in. The territory of Palestine is a signatory to the Geneva Convention, which means that the laws of war apply. But Hamas does not follow the laws of war… They target civilians instead of military installations, they engage in perfidy through the use of civilian clothes, which puts the actual civilian population of Gaza in great danger.

You’d feel better if you told the truth. There are strong truthful arguments against both Israel and Hamas. Because both are directly responsible for the genocide of Palestinians. I suggest you focus on the parties which are directly responsible, rather than moaning about the “complicity” of random foreigners in an attempt to disparage everyone who doesn’t buy into your terrorist whitewashing and disinformation campaign.

I’m not going to feel guilty for ensuring that Hamas gets their fair share of the blame.

2 points

You can’t properly comment from your instance.

1 point

What do you mean?

2 points

Auto censor creating jibberish

19 points

The funny bit is the Zionists still pulling out the “Hamas” card in the face of this shit:

  • Dude, next to this level of crap Hamas are veritable pussy-cats, friggin Mother Theresa’s, bloody My Little Ponies of the Middle East.

The only people in the contemporary era in the whole damn World that did anything worse than the purposefully starving of tens of thousand of children that the Zionists are doing were the friggin Nazis. NOBODY other than Nazis and Zionists comes anywhere close to this level of Evil.

Hell, even before this crap came to the attention of the rest of the World, the children-murder ratio between Zionists and Hamas was already over 1000-to-1.

7 points
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1 point


-1 points

A group of genocidal terrorists is better than a democracy by a wide margin?

2 points
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6 points

While I agree with your overall sentiment that Israeli actions outweigh HAMAS actions, this betrays a massive underestimation of global atrocities in the modern era. There have been a lot, most of which are not covered in a typical history class. Several go well into the millions.

4 points

I was thinking just in terms of murdering children including the specific targetting of children (which the IDF has done both with snippers and by bombing playgrounds).

In absolute terms of civilians, there were a number of worst atrocities, though in terms of percentage of the target population, not so much (possibly none at all but the Nazis, depending on what the the proportion between counted deaths and real deaths amongst the Palestinians is, since those whose corpses were not found and brought to Hospitals - i.e. those still buried in the rubble of the over 70% of Gaza building that were destroyed - were not counted, something which got worse after Israel destroyed almost all Palestinian Hospitals: the 40k deads are likely a significative underestimation and we might never know how significative that is because Israel does not allow independent UN observers to go check it).

What’s really “special” in the genociding done by the Zionists is the number of children being killed, the percentage of the target population killed, the targetting of Hospitals and medical personnel, the targetting of Humanitarian Personnel (worst ever, according to the UN) and the targetting of Journalists.

But, yeah, in absolute numbers of adults killed, things like Darfur and the Rwanda Genocide were worse.

-2 points

I don’t really see the point of singling out children. Murder is murder. Is killing a mother better than killing a child?

4 points

bloody My Little Ponies of the Middle East.

-3 points

Ethiopia has done way worse rather recently:

You just didn’t care about it because it doesn’t fit a simple good-guy/bad-guy narrative that makes it easy to blame people you’ve been predisposed into thinking are evil.

Also aid is getting into Gaza. There’s a pier built by the US and the IDF has implemented a daily 11 hour tactical pause so aid can flow in. Israel doesn’t normally do military campaigns this long so doesn’t have the resources to deal with this kind of crisis. Other countries aren’t stepping up because who wants to commit ground forces to Gaza to distribute aid? No one.

Hamas agreeing to a ceasefire would be a big help, but why would they? Starving Palestinian children helps their cause because it makes people like you so angry you will just blindly support Hamas.

7 points

Ah, yeah, Ethiopia, that self-proclaimed nation with “Western Values”, which has the “Most Moral Army In The World” and is supported militarilly by the US in the specific actions causing death and starvation amongst the children of the targetted ethnicity.

What you’re saying is that in reality Israel is pretty much a Fascist authocracy, like Ethiopia, hence having the same disregard for human life, especially children. That does make sense.

As for the rest of your bollocks, given that the blocade of Gaza for food, water, fuel and energy has been openly decreed by the Israeli Government, all that disassembly of yours pointingly ignoring the primary cause of it and throwing all the the excuses you can think of at the wall and see if something sticks, is just another technique straight out of Himmler’s book of tricks, in order of appearance:

  • “there is really no starvation” (even though the UN says there is)
  • “we’re actually trying to help them” (even though Zionists created the problem in the first place and could instantly stop it right now by letting aid in by land, but refuse to)
  • “other people aren’t helping” (even though it’s not their fault and the ones who did and still now try to help, such as the UN, had and still have most of their help blocked from entering by the Zionists)
  • “it’s really all their fault and they’re the ones killing their own children by not agreeing to our demands” (an almost perfect example of the “why do you make me do this to you by refusing to do what I want?” of sociopaths).
  • “it’s really all their fault and they’re the ones killing their own children for political gain with the world’s public opinion”
  • “you only criticise the purposeful starvation of children in Gaza because you blindly support Hamas” (basically, “if you don’t support us, you support our enemy”)

It’s amazing how you ethno-Fascists haven’t really evolved much from the 1930s.

-1 points

What you’re saying is that in reality Israel is pretty much a Fascist authocracy, like Ethiopia, hence having the same disregard for human life, especially children. That does make sense.

Nope. I’m saying you don’t care about black people. When millions of black people were starving you simply didn’t care.

17 points

Insanity. Even if these numbers are exaggerated 2x that’s still 25k kids in danger.

That boggles the mind

17 points

Gaza is quite literally mostly chldren. Average age was already ~18 before this latest stage of the genocide started. The adults have mostly been killed, imprisoned or driven out.




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