My wife is using Google Photos, and I’ve been using Photoprism for a few months. I just had a baby, and I access to download the pictures that my wife takes. I’m not too sure of what I want. I guess I want two separate libraries, but I want to be able to view her pictures easily and add them into my library. I believe if I spin up a second photoprism instance, I’d have to download her pictures individually and reupload them into my instance.
What do any of you do? Do you even host photo storage for your family?
Immich by far
Tagging onto this: Does anyone know of the easiest way to backfill Immich with photos from Google photos all at once besides manually downloading them from the Photos site?
I used rclone to get all my photos down, then I used Immich’s bulk import API to get everything into Immich just yesterday. I did about 14k photos.
Take note of the limitations of rclone though, it won’t get the original full resolution - you need to use Google Takeout to get full resolution.
To add onto this, has anyone found a good way to combine the metadata back into the photos from Google takeout? I’ve found two solutions on Google, one was send it off to some company and pay them to do it and the other has me run some pre compiled exe file. 
I’m starting to think I’ll just have to live without the metadata or write my own solution.
I’ve been using Immich, and while it’s under heavy development, it’s working amazingly well for myself and my wife.
For your use case I would definitely recommend Immich. It has a “partner sharing” feature that allows you to view your partners photos from your account while still maintaining separate archives. You can then download or add to albums from there. Immich has been fantastic for my family because it supports android and iOS (being as I can’t get some members off Apple products.)
Here’s the description of the feature. Sorry it’s a Reddit post, that’s the only place I could find the developers summary of the update.
Nextcloud would probably work as well
I would not trust Nextcloud tbh, the update process is wayyyyy too unstable.
Using bare metal install? I always cried when I had to apply updates, but now that I moved on the docker image , I don’t get problems when updating (knocking wood)
Photoprism offers multi user for sponsors
Does it work well? I haven’t checked in a minute, but does I believe they used to recommend two separate installs for multi library