So, she’s in NYC, but she doesn’t have a travel buddy so she sets ip her camera to film herself eating mac & cheese (I’m sure it’s gluten-free) on her bed, in her hotel room while trying to get caught up on the whole Celine Dion catalogue since she’s really not a fan. I see it as she’s so insecure and lacking in confidence she can’t go out alone to dine in a fabulous NY restaurant and eat grown-up food. She had to film and post this so she can read the comments from her adoring fans to build her self-image. She is the opposite of everything she pretends her platform represents.
2.4 million followers and not a single real friend she could call up to grab a bite to eat with in the city. I can’t believe I used to be jealous of this woman.
or the confidence or planning skills to have found and booked a reservation for herself at a fun NYC restaurant. I totally understand travelling can be exhausting and dinner in your room is necessary sometimes… but since she posts her every thought to her stories, we know they had a low key day at home, she was through airport security with no issues and no flight delays. She tells on herself all the time 😂
I’ll admit, I’m one of the “sad” people who has some friends they enjoy a digital meal with a couple times a week, but this is just depressing.
Like, yeah, we’re a bunch of awkward nerds, but we’re at least trying to actually have fun with it, talk about what’s going on in our lives, enjoy each other’s companies even if we’re hundreds of miles apart.
That’s not sad at all as they’re actually your friends! SNL here is in a 100% parasocial relationship with her “fans”.
Yes! Those are her friends! The way my mind works is it’s processing a bunch of data all the time and sometimes spits a result up to the surface to mull over and this churned to the top today. Sarah desperately needs to be liked and has an unhealthy desire for fame. It appears, to me, she will do anything to achieve these goals. She lacks any close connections - sure she has Becci and Bri and Joanna - but, I think, she’d walk away without looking back if they no longer serve her. This whole video highlights how empty her life really is and how she’s just a try-hard. I don’t think it’s sad. I find it pathetic since she does have 4 children and a husband and could have real connection with them if she chooses. The family vacay is coming up and that’s just a big commercial.
Agree, she is in NYC!!! and not going out to eat (or get amazing take out that isn’t a bagel)
Can’t risk someone seeing her (and her real size) in the wild so she has to call in food and eat in her hotel
I saw they had a hosted dinner last night for the Amazon crew. Why wasn’t she there? She would rather sit in her hotel room and talk to the internet void? How sad.
Was she not invited? I remember someone saying she doesn’t always get paid for this kind of thing
No clue. Just seemed strange to me. If she doesn’t get paid it’s even more sad she choses to leave her family for this. At least if she was getting paid, she could justify that it’s “work”.
I remember them saying she wasn’t paid for the Timothy Chalamet or Michael Buble things
Love your handle!