After passing my certification with ease, my instructor pointed out that women generally make better forklift drivers … so, this would make sense in an animé about the cut-and-thrust world of competitive forklift driving … which is also a thing BTW.
Mmm, I know exactly what you mean. I’m tired of limp lead characters who just tick the boxes of a target demographic to self-insert into.
The Expanse suffered a bit from that (the main guy had all the magnetism of limp celery) but was saved because every single other character was genuinely interesting. Farscape had a much smaller cast, so there was no escape!
If this thread is anything to go by, me and my other half were the only people on the planet that actually enjoyed Picard S1 and 2, and didn’t like S3 as much.
In that spirit, if a film is made I look forward to enjoying it even if I’m the only one.