And a lot of those people are the children of parents that fought/died in WW2 against the Nazis, and had family or children even that fought/died against dictators like the one they fucking elected!
Not only that, but they tried to overthrow the government their family died defending for this charlatan. It’s so pathetic my brain goes in loops trying to understand the absolute madness of it.
What fucking year is this? And while he’s at it, that horses’s ass can get tinfoil hats into circulation to protect against <dumb old ass boomer conspiracy theory bullshit>
God damn it, will all these fossils with their lead poisoned brains just die already?
Jesus christ, how lazy are you?
Conversely, 56 percent of men backed former President Donald Trump, while 37 percent of women did.
Sounds like Michigan men are insecure, clueless and weak.
Get the guillotine.
When I was starting out every resume book, class, website said not to put retail or food service jobs on your resume unless you were applying to your very first professional job (shows you can hold a job and have some experience working with others and taking orders from a manager) or it was relevant to the job you were applying to.
The reason Trump and his handlers think this is such a gotcha is because they got all their jobs from mommy and daddy and their parents’ friends. His cult has worked the same job their entire life, don’t actually work and collect worker’s comp, or don’t need a resume for the type of job they have.
Not really impressive.