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Because it exposes that someone who is making a living capitalizing off of extremist views that spread mass harm to the populace is a hypocrite that made sure to protect herself while telling everyone else that protection is a hoax, or at the least untrustworthy and harmful. Calling these people on their bullshit is a good thing to do. It’s not the same thing as “OMG did you hear Taylor Swift broke up with her 35th boyfriend?!”, it actually has real world consequences.


I think it is a testament to the site’s design that despite constantly testing my patients, I still want to use it

It’s cool that you’re a doctor and all, but you shouldn’t be forcing your patients to use a social media platform.


“Carbon Monoxide is deadly, you can’t tell me Carbon Dioxide is any different!”

Just because things have a similar name doesn’t mean they’re the same thing…


The issue with the suicide wasn’t at all Linus’s fault and is just being thrown around sensationally to make him look as bad as possible.

Linus’s old workplace, NCIX (kind of like Canadian Circuit City) went out of business, and he went to the out of business auction to try and get the YouTube silver play button from the NCIX youtube channel that he had started. A young dude that has started his own youtube channel that got screwed out of his own silver play button won the auction, and he just wanted to have one since the marketing network his channel was a part of screwed up and he didn’t get one from YouTube despite earning it. Linus approached him and asked to buy it back from him, and the guy agreed. But after Linus saw his YouTube channel and understood his situation, he decided to let the guy keep it since he was being cool about Linus paying him for it at cost of the winning bid, and not trying to extort anything from Linus.


But his fans got upset anyway since they’re bored teenagers, and started harassing the guy constantly to give the play button to Linus. When he found out, he told the community to stop-


But of course they didn’t, and eventually the guy stopped making videos. He was already depressed and bullied at school and his personal life, and according to the reddit post by his father, he took his own life a couple years later, and his mother ended up committing suicide as well because of it.

I’m pretty angry about the whole situation and the allegations of harassment, but trying to pin a double suicide on a person that didn’t cause it for article clicks and up votes is just sickening and unethical, IMO. Linus already has plenty to answer to, but piggybacking off of the recent controversy to try and pin an incredibly sad and serious situation on him that he didn’t cause is a disgusting move by shitty media outlets.


America is more than ready, considering how much we spend on the military. This article is a few years old, and definitely sensationalist, but is still an interesting read-


And on top of that, the US Army just started deploying robotic troop carriers, and is finishing up remote combat vehicles for the front lines so that first contact isn’t with soldiers. Yes, we’re going to have killer robots on the front line. And soon.


I’m definitely gonna start working “You’re shaking the slap tree!” into my rotation.


"Taking over another sovereign nation was just a ‘special military operation’! It wasn’t a ‘war’ until they started resisting and defending their homes and got assistance from the West! I mean, we all see how that works, right?! They should’ve just laid down and taken the beating, it would’ve avoided this whole thing!

…also it would be great if people would stop making fun of our military, it’s making recruitment hard. There’s only so many people we can imprison and conscript through Wagner."


Yeah, that’s normal. For me gummies do start having a bit of an effect around an hour, and really settle in around 90 minutes-2 hours. My state limits the THC content to 10mg apiece so I just pop two.

You really want to find live hash rosin gummies, preferably solventless. Most gummies just extract the THC and you don’t get as much of an effect. But the live hash rosin ones also extract the CBB and terpenes as well, which makes it more bioavailable to your body. The reason why different strains have different effects on people are the CBD and terpene content, so they’re important. Hits harder and a little bit earlier.

I did see a dispensary nearby selling some gummies that claimed they found a new way of extracting everything, so they’re supposed to hit much faster at like 15-20 minutes. But they were $70 for just a few gummies, so I declined.


It’s like they all watched House of Cards and were like, “Waiiiit a minute… We could do that!”


HDMI 2.1 to gamestream 4k120hz gameplay.

Oof… Who wants to be the one to tell 'em?
