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I was forced to upgrade to Windows 11 on my work computer. Only thing I noticed is that all the settings have arbitrarily been moved around to different locations. Absolutely no tangible benefit to upgrading whatsoever.

Still, I decided I would upgrade my home computer as well anyway. Really enjoying my upgrade from Windows 10 to Pop! OS.


I was expecting it to be something like they eat a percentage of their own babies or something.

Well… If you insist.


“Gestation lasts 21 days, and devils give birth to 20–30 young standing up … As there are only four nipples in the pouch, competition is fierce, and few newborns survive.”

One guess as to what happens to the spares.


After turning the word into a noun though, you’ll need to know how to turn it back into an adjective. We use “-less” to turn the noun into an adjective.

I prefer PNG because it losslessnesslessly compresses raster images.

I prefer PNG because it uses a losslessnessless algorithm.

I prefer PNG because I love losslessnesslessness.


Are you for real? I also use search engines to find manuals or documentation, if I want to know how to open a jar I want to see something like, “Twist jar lid counterclockwise with firm grip for opening.” Instead, with the internet as it has now become, I get:

"Opening a jar might seem like a trivial task, but mastering this skill can save you from frustration and potentially embarrassing moments. Whether it’s a jar of pickles or a jar of pasta sauce, the techniques for opening them remain largely the same. In this guide, we will explore the art of jar opening, providing a comprehensive step-by-step guide that anyone can follow.

The first step in the jar opening process is to ensure that you have a firm grip on both the jar and the lid. Holding the jar securely with one hand will provide stability and prevent it from slipping. Meanwhile, using your other hand to grasp the lid firmly will give you the leverage needed to twist it open. This initial grip is crucial, as it sets the foundation for the rest of the opening process.

With a secure grip established, the next step is to begin twisting the lid counterclockwise. This motion may seem straightforward, but it requires a combination of strength and finesse. Applying too much force can result in the lid becoming stuck even tighter, while too little force will yield no progress at all. Finding the right balance is key, and it may take some trial and error to get it just right.

If the lid proves to be particularly stubborn, there are a few tricks you can try to loosen it. One common method is to tap the lid gently on a solid surface, such as a countertop or table. This action helps to break the seal between the lid and the jar, making it easier to twist off. Alternatively, you can try running the lid under hot water for a few seconds. The heat causes the metal to expand slightly, further aiding in the loosening process.

Persistence is key when it comes to opening a stubborn jar. If your initial attempts are unsuccessful, don’t be afraid to try again. Sometimes, a fresh approach or a little extra force is all it takes to break the seal. However, it’s important to exercise caution and avoid using excessive force, as this can result in injury or damage to the jar.

Once the lid begins to loosen, continue twisting it counterclockwise until it comes off completely. This may require multiple rotations, so be patient and persistent. As the lid loosens, you may hear a satisfying pop as the seal is broken, indicating that you’re on the right track.

With the lid successfully removed, you can now enjoy the contents of the jar to your heart’s content. Whether it’s a delicious spread for your morning toast or a savory addition to your favorite recipe, the possibilities are endless. Just be sure to securely reseal the jar after each use to maintain freshness and prevent spills.

In conclusion, opening a jar may seem like a simple task, but it requires a combination of strength, finesse, and patience. By following the steps outlined in this essay, anyone can master the art of jar opening and conquer even the most stubborn lids. So the next time you’re faced with a tightly sealed jar, remember these techniques and approach the challenge with confidence."


I agree with you. I wasn’t referring to the actual contents so much as OP’s attitude about the e-mails from the CEO. I think Kagi could benefit from hiring, or at least consulting, with specialists in the field to better define their position. It’s clear that OP has legitimate concerns.


Sure, why not? Though please don’t spread it around, I’m currently under deep cover pretending to be an Australian who frequently comments on Australian news and is registered with an Australian-themed instance.

It’s all part of my evil plan to have the first multinational company with their global headquarters in Antarctica.


You and I have a very different idea of what constitutes harassment.


After reading your comment, my calling the OP an ‘entitled douche’ was not the best response. I remember the fragility of being a teenager, and even being a young adult… While unlikely, if the blog’s author does come across these comments, I would rather they take a moment to consider things from Vlad’s/Kagi’s perspective rather than just take my comment as a personal attack.


TBH, OP sounds like a bit of an entitled douche, edit: not the most appropriate descriptor, but I do think OP should try and look at the situation from another perspective.

In their blog post they complained about lack of transparency and noted numerous issues with Kagi that caused them to lose faith in the company. The CEO personally responds to explain themselves (i.e. make things more transparent) and OP sticks their fingers in their ears and acts liked they’re a victim because the CEO attempts service recovery.

I’ve made public complaints about companies before. I wish I received such tailored and personalised responses.


there’s this really cool alternative to streaming, called you buy their shit directly.

Wow, mind blown! I had no idea money could be used to buy things directly! /s

Seriously though, buying music from artists you already know is easy for artists that actually provide this as an option, but it doesn’t help when trying to find new artists and songs to listen to. Spotify is brilliant for discovering new content and can’t be replaced by ‘buying shit directly’.
