The justice of the argument is clear to me. I have already made arrangements for my children to come to not be genetically mine. When the time comes, I will call upon their aid, presuming the sequencing does not tell us there are incompatibilities; and we will select embryos to maximize the quality of life for my child to come.
why are you talking like a necromancer
I’m going insane looking at comments praising the 1995 TV spot, going on about how it makes them teary-eyed and such, and how the AI remake is a travesty. That shit already looked like if you put a Norman Rockwell artbook in the blender, drank the mixture and subsequently got sick on the Vegas Strip.
This is crappy and weird but it could have been worse: unlike the Toy’s Are U’s advert they wisely decided not to include any human. Which in turn makes the caravan of trucks look eerie and sinister. You can’t win them all.