

1 posts • 56 comments
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They’ll pay a very heavy price. How far is the Taiwan strait? If you think D-day is bad you haven’t seen anything yet. Many wouldn’t even make it to the beach.

Having said that they do have excess males, they’ll probably be better off to lose those. Because only the numpty bellends join the armed forces, the ones with more than 2 brain cells have some self preservation. Noone joins the armed forces if you have other prospects in China.

Many people will lose their only child. This cannot be good as many people will protest. However the government has one advantage over other countries.

China isn’t as unified as propaganda leave you to believe. Noone gives a shit about anyone other than their immediate family members. You can see this when people get run over and noone helps. Or how they push and do everything to be first in line with no regard for anyone else.

Money is king in China thesedays. They will probably have no issue shaking down or worse their countrymen if they get a bonus or two, all they have to do is import people from the next province or two to do the dirty work.

Not saying it’s a smart idea but just saying they could probably contain the blowback of the body bags coming home and lose the most unproductive of society in the process.

We’ll see if Xi goes fuck it I wouldn’t be around for the consequences when he gets older. He’s 70 now, in a decade he will be 80. The average age in China is 78. He probably will beat that as he would have the best health care but beyond that it’s not guaranteed. So not much to lose for him.


Guess which of your competitors offer remote working and has a product that smokes you?

Haven’t touched VMware for years Hyper-V does everything I need.

Now with Azure I don’t even need to manage the virtualisation just use an arm template to spin something up in 2 secs. I know Azure compute uses something based off Hyper-V, haven’t really used AWS, does Amazon use technology from VMware for their virtualisation?


China and Taiwan can be one country tomorrow. I’ve said it a hundred times.

All China has to do is cede full control to Taiwan. It will be governed by Taiwan but it will be one country.

Yes I know it’s too hard politically and unrealistic. Because they don’t really want unification they want control.


I think if they passed the legislation first as a trial and then if it went well put it through a referendum there would be more support.

I’m not saying he would but he could just force it through legislation now, with the greens support and independents support, Pocock is in ACT who was the only place to vote yes, I think they have enough to pass.

Sure it will go against the results of the referendum, or “the will of the people” but it will be a legal way to do it. I think if it went through legislation it would become like GST, deeply unpopular at the time but it just becomes fait accompli and noone would dare reverse it. Because once in noone wants the optics of being “the racist in the parliament” besides maybe ONP.


I hope you have that machine on a separate VLAN that’s completely firewalled, segregated from the rest of your network, with access to the internet but not the rest of your LAN.

Because if it does then other devices on your network would be potentially vulnerable.

I’ve worked with PC’s that are out of support and the company too tightarse to pay for windows updates. The LAN cable was unplugged and you could only access it by physically being on the PC, but it won’t work in your instance as you need the internet to play games.


It sure does. But if businesses haven’t panicked then a home user doesn’t need to.

Reviewing and redoing intune policies, deployments, software compatibility testing, driver deployment ,reconfiguring autopilot and testing through the rings is an absolute pain in the arse.

For personal deployments you can deploy within one day. No need to worry about any of the above. So if businesses aren’t worried yet neither should regular consumers.


Wow I hope you’re not doing your banking on that PC.

Looking at the CVE for windows 7 after January 2020 (end of support)


Doesn’t look pretty. Many exploits to give attackers elevation of privileges (administrator to your PC), remote code execution etc.

These don’t require you to download “dodgy” software. It happens because parts of the windows source code isn’t coded to perfection (as with all software) and then the attackers exploit the code in a way not originally intended by Microsoft.

This risk is elevated when the operating system is out of support because different windows systems share the same code base, so when Microsoft releases security updates and CVE reports to the internet, attackers can read these and find out how to attack unpatched systems even if they did not know about the exploit beforehand.

So it’s imperative to apply the patches in a timely manner usually within 24-48 hours after release.

On a side note windows 7 isn’t out of support, Microsoft is still releasing patches for it along with XP. Many enterprises have to use these operating systems for compatibility with their software, they are getting the updates because they’re paying Microsoft millions of dollars for them. So are you saying that other users of windows 7 are wasting their millions of dollars for “overrated” security updates?


Windows 7? How are you getting your security updates?


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Windows 10 isn’t even close to end of support.

If enterprise users haven’t moved over then individual users don’t need to.

I will move over before support finishes but make no mistake that’ll be because I’m forced to due to security reasons and not because I want to.

My windows 10 enterprise has been running flawlessly.


China can unite with Taiwan tomorrow if they want to peacefully.

It’s been done before. Look how East and West Germany did it. Overnight.

All China has to do is be East Germany and let Taiwan be West Germany and it will be sorted. But obviously they don’t want that because being one country isn’t their main goal.
