Harris ist NICHT DIE MAMA!
BREAKING!: Performing maintenance and renewing worn parts improves reliability and efficiency! More news at 11!
Bit of a strange article isn’t it? It shouldn’t come as a surprise, that infrastructure like this isn’t a case of building it, and then be done forever. Of course it needs maintenance after a number of years. Using the most modern parts when replacing stuff is just good sense.
I love how the “drone to the helicopter blades” cheese-move from War Thunder has basically become a real life war-time strategy. It seems to be surprisingly effective.
Declare your acronyms ffs. American articles love flinging them around as if everyone just know what they mean from the get go. And it makes a lot of the articles make no sense to anyone who is not American, or just doesn’t know. Nevermind that a lot of 2, 3, and 4 letter abbreviations have multiple meanings depending on context…
To help out; DOJ = Department of Justice, and PAC = Political Action Committee.
I love it, but roombas go underneath the furniture from time to time you know…