

2 posts • 3 comments
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I want to thank everyone who replied. I love this woman as a mother, and I’ve repeatably had to explain myself to my “other” family as it’s apparently not OK to disobey or not procreate. I am happy that I won’t have to pass this on to a child. I would be fearful and paranoid if I had one, due to the abuse that is normalized. Yet, I am apparently less of a person as I have not produced progeny. Irregardless, thank you to the lovely people who supported me. I wish that this woman, who I wish would have been my birth mother, keeps being happy. The help I provide her with is small, but daily, such as her wifi, phone accounts, spam prevention. I don’t even help my blood family with this. I feel that your comments have helped me. Thank you. I love her, and I wish she had been my mother instead of the woman who bore me.


I am both happy and sad for you, as your birth mom was/is someone coming back to claim you. And your adopted mom loves you, absolutely, from your comments I am sure of that.

I love this woman I referred to, as a mom.

My birth/bio mom now is in a severe state of dementia, and my “bio” family refused to accept that until I had managed to pull her through a thorough investigation by several doctors and clinics. Apparently, according to her, I am the one child who loved her the most. And I don’t love her. She has been an abuser all of my life, up until now that she can’t even remember doing it. This prompted me to write my post previously. Because I still feel conflicted. I love someone else as a mom. All I feel for my birth mom is utter pity.

You are a lovely soul. Do not ever forget it.


I’m confused. No punctuation, no spell check, barely any literacy. What is “yall yallself yall”? Sounds very arabic, but might just be an undereducated US american?
