

1 posts • 21 comments
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You can have a democracy while having more than two parties. You just need a way of counting votes that isn’t first-past-the-post.


Don’t tell me what to do.

This is the actual Republican platform. The only thing they want, is to have authority over everyone, and for no one to have authority over them. We are the ones who fear being wrong. Republicans, on the other hand, won’t lose a wink of sleep if lying gets them in power. In the pursuit of the ‘right’ people telling the ‘wrong’ people what to do, and in the pursuit of keeping the ‘wrong’ people from telling the ‘right’ people what to do, anything goes. Hypocrisy, lies, crime, election fraud, subverting courts, coups, false patriotism, false piety, terrorism, even outright murder… anything goes.

Know the enemy, spread the word to your friends and family (and maybe further).


Don’t tell me what to do.

Did you read this? You comment makes me think you have. No one seems to be mentioning this despite how eminently reasonable it seems to be. Have you been sharing this link? I have been. I wish more people could read this.


Don’t tell me what to do.

This is the actual Republican platform. It’s absolutely about getting control, not about any particular ideology. In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s why Republicans try their culture war junk, because WE care about ideologies, and it divides us. In the pursuit of the ‘right’ people telling the ‘wrong’ people what to do, and in the pursuit of keeping the ‘wrong’ people from telling the ‘right’ people what to do, anything goes. Hypocrisy, lies, crime, election fraud, subverting courts, coups, false patriotism, false piety, terrorism, even outright murder… anything goes.

Know the enemy, spread the word to your friends and family (and maybe further).


Don’t tell me what to do.

Specifically, laws written by straight, white, Republican men, for the sole purpose of gaining power over everyone who’s not straight, and everyone who’s not white, and everyone who’s not Republican, and everyone who’s not male… no matter how cruel the effects of the laws are. This is the actual Republican platform. In the pursuit of the ‘right’ people telling the ‘wrong’ people what to do, and in the pursuit of keeping the ‘wrong’ people from telling the ‘right’ people what to do, anything goes. Hypocrisy, lies, crime, election fraud, subverting courts, coups, false patriotism, false piety, terrorism, even outright murder… anything goes.

Know the enemy, spread the word to your friends and family (and maybe further).


Don’t tell me what to do.

This is the actual Republican platform. They don’t care about if they’re right about biology. They care about getting power, full stop. In the pursuit of the ‘right’ people telling the ‘wrong’ people what to do, and in the pursuit of keeping the ‘wrong’ people from telling the ‘right’ people what to do, anything goes. Hypocrisy, lies, crime, election fraud, subverting courts, coups, false patriotism, false piety, terrorism, even outright murder… anything goes.

Know the enemy, spread the word to your friends and family (and maybe further).


Don’t tell me what to do.

They’re not evil per se, it’s just that they’re after power, and they don’t care if they do evil things to get power… which, to a lot of people, means they’re evil. And yes, this is the actual Republican platform - straight white Christian men getting power over people who aren’t straight and white and Christian and male. In the pursuit of the ‘right’ people telling the ‘wrong’ people what to do, and in the pursuit of keeping the ‘wrong’ people from telling the ‘right’ people what to do, anything goes. Hypocrisy, lies, crime, election fraud, subverting courts, coups, false patriotism, false piety, terrorism, even outright murder… anything goes.

Know the enemy, spread the word to your friends and family (and maybe further).


Don’t tell me what to do.

This is the actual Republican platform. The guy you’re arguing with doesn’t actually believe that protofetuses are worth trying to keep them alive. He just wants to be able to tell you what to do, and guess what? If he can force you to die over a nonviable protofetus, that means he has power over you, which is the entire point. He doesn’t care about you, save that he doesn’t want you to be able to keep him from killing you over a nonviable protofetus. In the pursuit of the ‘right’ people telling the ‘wrong’ people what to do, and in the pursuit of keeping the ‘wrong’ people from telling the ‘right’ people what to do, anything goes. Hypocrisy, lies, crime, election fraud, subverting courts, coups, false patriotism, false piety, terrorism, even outright murder… anything goes.

Know the enemy, spread the word to your friends and family (and maybe further).


All human lives start out as piles of cells… but not all piles of cells can become human lives.

This is my one concession to contributing to this argument. There are pregnancies that aren’t viable. For some fetuses, there is literally no way to make it so that those fetuses can live to become infants. Therefore, these fetuses literally objectively don’t have inherent value.

Everybody who’s downvoting you, is downvoting you because you are advocating to kill mothers over fetuses that already cannot be kept alive. You’re not saying it outright, but by god, you’re implying it, because that is what is going to happen if those policies are implemented.


Don’t tell me what to do.

You are absolutely correct. For Republicans, in the pursuit of the ‘right’ people telling the ‘wrong’ people what to do, and in the pursuit of keeping the ‘wrong’ people from telling the ‘right’ people what to do, anything goes. Hypocrisy, lies, crime, election fraud, subverting courts, coups, false patriotism, false piety, terrorism, even outright murder… anything goes.

Know the enemy, spread the word to your friends and family (and maybe further).
