If you worked in healthcare, there was a pretty clear delineation. We got vaccines and people stopped fucking dying so much.
I opened 2021 to one of our chronic dialysis patients getting admitted for Covid, so severely short of breath they needed to go to the critical care stepdown unit, and I thought "this is it " By the time I was able to arrive at the hospital to run their dialysis, this person was already off oxygen and up walking around their room.
Come to find out, they had been vaccinated. I’m told that was one of the first people in the State of Massachusetts who got Covid after being vaccinated, and the difference in severity was so dramatic I’ll never forget it.
That and movie theaters reopening are the only reasons I remember 2021. It was just a lot less scary even though I was still working like crazy.
Terminator 2 didn’t even feature a single shot from the actual movie in its teaser trailer. It was just that iconic:
The best thing to happen from WebMD is we got a bunch of actual medical providers like Mayo Clinic, University of Maryland, Merck Manual that went, “GAH! No!!” and made actually informative, updated medical websites.
Healthline, kids. Healthline is where we go for our medical information.
I mean, we’re fast approaching the 3rd anniversary of my first Covid vaccine dose, and I’m still waiting to drop dead the way they promised.
I’m a nurse, not a doctor, just gonna chime in here that non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a thing:
In general, any kind of sudden changes to your normal functioning are things you should probably be discussing with a physician, even if you’re young and otherwise healthy. The really encouraging news is that, if this is indeed caused by a health problem, you’re young enough that it’s really likely you can completely reverse it and get back to 100%. And if it’s not, then no harm done by seeing a doctor and confirming that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(Also, not to scare you, but no I wouldn’t expect to see that dramatic a decrease in alcohol tolerance over the course of just a couple of years at your age. I think it’s worth talking to a doctor about this.)
Literal ignorance. There are already studies.
“GnRHa treatment did not seem to have a particularly adverse effect on reproductive function or bone growth.”
Puberty blockers only with social transition until age 18 are the standard of care given to the trans girl I grew up with 30 years ago. She didn’t start exogenous hormones or surgery until she was a legal adult. None of this is new and the people you’re listening to are literally just making things up.
United HealthCare
Oh wait, you CAN’T boycott them. The ultimate monopoly.
Come check out the Superb Owl Super Bowl happening over on superbowl@lemmy.world
Owl facts and adorable pictures abound.
I don’t mow my lawn.
Fully invested in the no lawn movement, I’ve been slowly replacing my grass with “no-mow” fine fescue grasses that fall over when they grow long instead of standing up straight. They grow slowly and are meant to not be mowed most of the summer season, just a couple times in the spring and cut down low in the fall.
Between that and using shredded leaves as mulch in my flower beds or lasagna mulching to create a new flower bed, my neighbors definitely think I’m a bit off.