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The book I’m working on is unrelated, and yes, there has been a stark change in rhetoric from this paper. The reason I am intrigued is because it seems recent, and the behind the scenes story seems elusive. I have found some pages on the people behind this, but no, being curious as to how this change happened is not any more conspiratorial than trying to find out why a writer left a show or sold it out to another company.


so do ‘men’ that may have femboy themed aspirations


I just got on when i saw this, i signed up, and then the whole pages server crashed. they have a whole error page for it. JT crashed the website with the pure might of his followers hopping on to sign up and ask questions of him. I don’t think this site was physically built with enough capacity to handle that massive of an influx of comrades lmaoo. Fucking hilarious, i love all of ya’ll. Jt you da man


yeah I was unaware of this. Rough, I hope the people are able to persevere from it.


Oh no I appreciate the details, and yeah that is kinda dumb. Isn’t one of the tentants of communism that (I just woke up and smoked a bowl so sorry if I’m mis remembering WHO said it exactly) I’m pretty sure Lenin himself talked on was that the communist movement, revolution, and following state will look different in every region as geography, culture, and the current and future evolving political climate all create different conditions that we would have to find new and working solutions too. I’m an advocate of “Yeah shit’s gunna get messy sometimes, so it’s best to accept that, but to try and experiment with different policies in different parts of the region to see what works best both for the people, and for staying stable and sustainable, and we should strive to TRY different things as communists so we can find the things, whether structure of labor or production to ecological protections, what WORKS best for everyone.” It seems wild to me that some people think we can just rely completely on theory. Yes its VERY important, but so is real world and practical experience, shit happens that no one expects and you gotta find solutions. That’s just life.


Ohhh okay. When he said north I thought they were referring to the Native population concentrated in the north part America. I guess for those that don’t know here in America for a long time (generally white people) referred to Natives as Indians as well, and I was raised by uh… well let’s say a family with some opinions on 'em, so it kinda didn’t register for me they were asking about the country. (Yes, I know native american is the proper term, it’s what I use but my southern american ears have kinda just gotten used to hearing it being talked about both ways growing up) But to answer the question on if southern americans being more conservative than the northern Indians in India, again, I’m not too familiar with the current demographic. I did some reading of WWII and Ghandi era resistance and what not but I’m not sure how the repressive right wing elements have evolved into the modern day as I just haven’t kept up. I didn’t know india even had a large conservative demographic, as I’ve last heard a few years ago I think now that India had one of the largest socialist / communist protest in history, thought i read that damn near a million or more people covered the streets in an ocean of red and black flags. But that’s about my most recent knowledge of their internal political situation, if I’m being honest. I wouldn’t mind being enlightened to whatever’s going on there though, that’s for sure!


The only one that ever listens to me is ironically, my boss. I’m slowly going to radicalize him lmaoooo


yeah for real man, the rest of my neighbors except one are all basically trap houses. One of them is a straight up massive drug dealer (like the baaad stuff) and literally everyone knows it, I’m sure people have alerted the authorities on them multipule times, but nah they still there just… moving shit. And man, as an ex addict, i get a lot of the struggles, but the tweakers in this town, most the damn population, are fucking bananas.


I guess I’m not aware of the conservative Indian demographic, you mean like natives? Good god seems a lot like shooting themselves in the foot. But I dunno, I’ve heard some pretty racey and extremely homophobic/transphobic shit out here. I went to school with a kid that openly believed inter-racial marriage should be punished, if that says anything.


ah so like the bible thumpers of marxism?
