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I think a big part of why people seem to really like the film simulations in the Fuji cameras is because you can create or copy other people settings, “recipes”, and you get a nice live preview right on the LCD screen as you are shooting. It gives you a much closer visualization of your desired final product right on the back of the camera as you are shooting.

RawTherapee has film simulations built-in

Have you used them? If so, how do you like them?

I have no experience with RawTherapee but I’m someone that doesn’t like spending a ton of time editing photos.


Freeze the banana and then blend the frozen banana with peanut butter and a little almond/oat/other plant milk and it’s like a milkshake without the dairy. Amazingly good!


This seems like it would be really obvious, no?

If you are simply buying fruit juices at the store you are getting zero to virtually zero fiber. So you are getting a bunch of calories but without feeling any sense of fullness that you would get if you instead just ate the fruit.

Fruit is healthy but you are much better off just eating the fruit and drinking water. If you really want to drink the fruit juice you should just blend the fruit so that you are also getting all the pulp. The fiber is excellent for you and will help prevent you from turning all that juice into “empty” calories.


I think statistically speaking the absolute best value is a 5 year old car that has been at least reasonably well-maintained. The vast majority of depreciation happens during those first 5 years.

For those that do need to finance a car, a three year loan term should be the maximum. I think you are 100% correct on that. There are people with car loans that have terms of 7 years. It’s sad that people are setting themselves up for failure like that. If you can’t afford the monthly payments on a 3 year term then you really can’t afford the car at all.


That’s a good point.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I would imagine that in Japan the issue of loneliness cuts very deep due to the cultural and societal norms. I would also think that if you were to keep all those same norms but introduce in the car dependent design and infrastructure of the US then the problem would get even worse, no?


Cars have always been relatively expensive to own and operate and the American way, unfortunately, has been to take out lines of credit in order to purchase vehicles they could just barely afford.

It’s insane to think about but the average car payment for a new vehicle in 2023 was $726 and the average loan term is nearly 70 months!


I think the best thing I ever did was learn on a 250cc. It’s way harder to wreck your day or get yourself killed when you inevitably grab a bit too much throttle as a complete newbie. I would even encourage people to learn on a 125cc or even 50cc. The basics are the basics and you can pick those up on a bike with less than 10hp just as easily if not more easily than a bike with 100+hp.

It would be amazing to see government mandated limiters in cars, in general, and not just for learners.

I know that a lot of people don’t agree with that but the public has proved they are incapable of driving within reasonable limits. No one needs a car that can go the speeds that cars are capable of going. It’s totally possible to setup a system that enforces the limit only on public roads so that people could still take their cars to the track. We very much have the technology.

It blows my mind that the general public is completely accepting of things like smartphone OSes that can spy on their every move and log their every detail yet if you mention limiters on cars all of the sudden they become staunch advocates for personal freedoms. The hypocrisy blows my mind.


It’s ridiculous enough that we’re switching to electric cars with 0-100kph under 7 seconds and no one bats an eye…

This is a good point.

Nobody seems to care at all about acceleration even though it can be just as dangerous as sheer speed in the hands of most drivers.


I think quarantine is only for confirmed suspected infected items. Windows will move it and prevent any use of items until you confirm you want them, at which point they are just regular files and folders.

That actually does sound like what I remember. Maybe I was thinking about something else.

I did hear about something called “Controlled Access” a while back. It looks like it might be an option that could work in certain situations.
