

2 posts • 46 comments
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That makes it even more impressive!

Well done, a beautiful organic look to it.


What sort of selfish, self centred, person must you be to put your kids above the needs of this community for more photos and your impressions of this keyboard?

That is not our way. Shame.

Seriously beautiful design! Hope you get to your senses and finish it :-) Do you have a lot of experience designing 3d objects?

If the aomebas don’t fit just Handwire it. It’s really enjoyable. Takes some time at first though.


Asked a similar question years ago and some suggested fingernail polish. Not sure how easy it would be to get off in case you must. Never tried it myself.

Plastidip should do the job elegantly if you manage to apply it cleanly enough.


The statement is Israel wants to extinguish hamas. The belief that giving them money from Quatar and they will give us peace and quiet was obviously false.

The Israeli people need the abducted to be brought back. That is the no. 1 reason for all of this.

There are a minority of fanatic religious lunatics (currently represented in this horrendous government of brain dead corrupt morons) that want to move back into Gaza. This will not happen.

Netanyahu needs the war to go on so that people forget he is to blame for a lot of this.

The army definitely can, and will be pressured to, punish these solders.

Netanyahu cannot afford to break his rotten coalition, he won’t stay in power if the next elections happen now.


It only takea a few to do such a thing. They probably grew up in an extreme religious home and watch the Israeli propaganda channel (fox news style lies and brainwash). I hope they will be punished for both the desecration and the terrible PR, making Israel look even worse.


The solders involved in desecrating the mosque were detained. Not sure what will happen to them. The right in Israel tend not to care, or at most say these things happen and we’re at war etc. The left are not having it, and see it as part of the extreme right religious movement that is our terrible government.


I’ll read these. I trust haarets.

Blaming the condition Gaza is in on Israel and only Israel is giving Gaza no responsibility for anything, and makes sure nothing changes for decades. Can Israel do better, yes? Is Israel at fault for everything wrong with Gaza? Definitely not. Free palestine should be a call to get rid of hamas. That’s the first step towards any progress. Israel used to be under pressure to fix things with palestinians. Now there is none to reach out to. This plays to the hands of our shitty fanatic and religious government as well as hamas. The extremes gain power and support in these horrible situations. The Palestinians, not hamas, and the people of Israel, not the settlers or the fanatic religious extremists, they all just want a peaceful two state solution. They don’t want war, they don’t care about the occupied territories (other than a means to ensure security). Gaza should have been an example of how the Palestinians take their destiny into their hands. They were not supposed to have an army, that saves money for what is really needed. They could have had infrastructure, they could have had a real, functioning country. Instead hamas took power and kept them as refugees. Hamas made the place a prison,not Israel. What did hamas expect Israel to do after the October 7th attack?? They done care about their own people, they hide behind them.

I’d one thing is clear after the attack, is that we cannot live as neighbours with hamas. Not sure what the solution is, but a ceasefire is to hamas a means to prepare the next attack.

I hope we get rid of our government very soon, but this time a sane, pragmatic, secular, or left wing leaning government hasn’t got the option to reach its hand in peace. There is no going back to pre October 7th world.


Slave labour? Where do you get that?

Relatively labour from Gaza, yes, how is it forced??

If your answer is they have no other option, then how is Israel to blame?? Israel left Gaza and this is what it became - a terrorist playground. It could have been a developed country with all the Quatar money. Instead all the money was invested to make the place into one gigantic military facility, and enrich the hamas leaders.



There are slightly less than half of that.

Whay do you mean by make up the number?

Hamas askes for prisoners by name. They are not just any palestinian. They are hamas people with blood on their hands. So Israel can’t just gather a bunch of people off the street to release to hamas.


3 for each Israeli
