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With the current wave very quickly picking up steam, chances are we will be through the worst of it by the time vaccines are available / taken by those still willing to go through with it.

I think I am 4-5 shots deep at this point, and have had a natural infection once. It was horrible where I fully lose my taste for a number of weeks.
Then as taste / smell began to return some things were “wrong.”
It took months for coffee to return to normal.
If I had to live like that… well, let’s say those months had very unwelcome new dark thoughts that took me by surprise.


I will continue to play the good F2P games (without paying a cent myself) and the great AAA games that I will gladly pay full price for.
I figure if the F2P are going to be funded by others anyway, I might as well benefit from it.
I’ll also signal to the devs that make great full featured games that this is what I want.


This reminds me of the site to see if your email address had been pwned or not.
Well, if you looked yourself up, I’ve got some bad news for you….


Can you please go into the specifics of why you don’t let your kids play Roblox?

I had been avoiding it until a well intentioned relative got my son a Roblox gift card.
It was immediately made clear that I was against the game which created an awkward situation for my relative.
I decided to soften my stance, and use it as a teaching moment.
I explained how the game works and how my son was to use his Robux.
He was to play the game(s) for a certain length of time and then make an informed decision about where to spend his money at.
Of course he spent it on some stupid powerup on a game that he ended up stopping playing some days later.
We used it as a teaching moment for both of my kids and what a waste of money the game is.
I also explained to them how P2W games are predatory in nature, and that I would never personally allow them to pay a single cent into Roblox or any other game.
My son is constantly proud of how he is F2P and always beating all of the P2W noobs.


I stand corrected, with thanks!


I’ve been to Red Rocks and wold have loved to see this concert.
The transformation of the conductor as the song went on was fabulous!
They zoomed in at great points where it was made really clear that he is a NOFX fan.


Yeah I really called it wrong on my initial comment.
I took a look at my pwned history and it looks like we share a lot of sites.
Quite concerning and now I am at least using a password manager.
I am still on LastPass but am considering others.
It simply “works” in my case though, and I’m not sure how easy it would be to change to a new one so with them I stay.
It sucks that they made it into a “pay to play” if you want full cross platform access, but I use my gaming PC for so few sites that it isn’t a huge deal to just lock my LasPass to iOS.


Oh yeah… for sure video game developers are getting fucked from ALL angles.
I have throughly instilled in my kids that if they want to get into programming, the gaming industry is NOT where they should look to.
It really saddens me as a lifetime gamer, but it seems like the industry is one of if not the most toxic out there.


My dad did it back when he was a hippy.
He still talks very fondly of the time he spent out in the Arizona desert all those decades ago.

A piece of me would like to drop out of society and live in solitude.
While I lean towards being a loner, I realized that I am probably mostly a hybrid.
I enjoy some human interaction, but also love being alone to do whatever the fuck I want.
To me a commune would be too intimate and I think would end up being like a small town type of scenario which doesn’t appeal to me.
