Well, the Union of South Africa were participants in the war against Germany, so that’s still a bit weird. Don’t know about the affiliation of the magazine in question, but the support for joining the allies wasn’t clear cut, but only a narrow majority among the ruling white class.
It’s interesting that people are saying that this is so faithful, considering that they totally messed up the history of the California region. >!The series basically took place in NCR, but they just lazily disregarded the whole rebuilt NCR civilization and turned it into the east coast Bethesda wasteland. So what, did the NCR collapse back into wasteland in a decade or so too? Give me a break.!<
Hienoa ettei antanut vihapostin lannistaa itseään!
Tuli kuitenkin vääjäämättä mieleen että tekisikö Yleisradio samanlaista juttua 60-vuotiaasta äijästä, joka fanittaisi vaikka JPop-idoleita. Itsestäni tuntuu että ei, vaan silloin meidän yhteiskunnan “virallinen mielipide” olisi vihaajien puolella.
People are smart enough to understand the difference between someone copying for personal use and a billion dollar corporation copying to generate millions while laying off all the creative people. The latter is what these non-open-source AI companies are enabling - for profit too.