Fighting back against a perceived threat does not grant the threat justification in their violent actions, nor does it remove legitimacy from the coyote for defending itself from a perceived threat.
Rittenhouse entered the woods, laid a trap, approached the trapped animal, was bitten, and shot the trapped animal. Then he said “It was self defense! They were hunting me!”
It’s ludicrous that this was upheld in court.
It absolutely is considered goading. If lifting your shirt to reveal a gun holstered can be considered a threat (one that police can legally shoot you over) then carrying a rifle at a protest and starting shit with the protestors is also a threat.
He didn’t go there to make his voice heard — he went there to intimidate and kill.
Rittenhouse was not a cop, he was a douchebag little shit stirrer with a murder fantasy, and he got exactly what he wanted — a fun murder spree killing liberals with no consequences.
I’m not going to coordinate an effort to lynch the piece of shit, but spreading bullshit about how “he’s not a murderer,” like what you’re doing, is disingenuous at best. Kindly, shut the fuck up