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The pan-leftist your parents warned you about.

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Letting them off the hook for what though? Continuing the same behavior that the US used to have before the gains of the labor movement in the early to mid 20th century? That’s why these companies all outsourced. Opening relations with China in the 70s gave them acess to cheaper labor where before they had less ease.


The idea that because it’s not flesh and blood, it’s not a vital organ, seems to becoming increasingly outdated as it was clear that this woman’s life was transformed in a way that enabled her to be more “normal” (there’s probably a much nicer way to say that but I’m blanking.)

Removing it should be treated the same as ripping a prosthetic limb away from a patient.


The hottest take is that the voting age should automatically slide to be the youngest age someone has been tried as an adult in the justice system…


I love how they want us to constantly buy and consume yet despise the idea of paying us money to actually be able to do so…


Man is literally remaking the state’s university system in line with historical fascists and some “journalists” out there just talking about him like he’s just another conservative. The whole state is marked “do not travel” on the trans-risk map by Erin Reed, since we now live in a world where they will arrest trans people for using the bathroom, even if they’ve legally transitioned. People being like “hurdurr how will they enforce that” like bruh they will just violate your privacy


This is such bullshit that blames voters instead of blaming political parties for failing to reach them and speak to their needs and issues. Democrats would get voters to the polls if they gave them something to vote FOR as opposed to AGAINST. Isn’t it always interesting that a Republican minority in government seems to exert power and influence that their Democratic minority counterparts can’t? Democrats are woefully inept at combating fascism and I hold them responsible for the likes of Desantis after years of compromising with a cabal of theocatic nationalists that have been hell-bent on turning the US into Christian Iran.

“Vote for me and your life won’t get any worse than it already is!” is not inspiring, and fear only motivates the people directly in the line of fire and the most empathetic of others.


This idea that “oh if there’s any liberals left” is so smug and to me, is part of the reason why Florida and many other GOP-ruled states are where they are. The idea that the people who don’t like these regimes will move to New York, Illinois, or California is out of touch and absurd.

With trans people alone, it’s estimated that 1.2-1.8% of the population of the US is trans. Florida’s population is 22.25 million. 400,000+ people should not have to become refugees in their own country. This cannot be the “response” to these laws.

Florida is a fascist State, and I wish people would adopt the attitude toward “regime change” that they have for Russia when talking about Desantis.


Democrats also chase after middle class votes when they should be in every fast food joint, retail chain, and other shitty minimum wage job, advocating for inflation-tied minimum wage increases, strengthened protections for organized labor, etc.

(they don’t do this because they are a centrist party that doesn’t want the US to have the quality of life enjoyed by those in Western Europe)


I see in the news and what I feel in my community are different as well. I live in a small city in central FL and there are pride flags everywhere.

Your community sounds like it could end up in the crosshairs of the Desantis regime. You might want to see if there’s any sort of pride, leftist, or other social justice group unaffiliated with the Democratic Party.

Every registered voter, every elected official, every volunteer, needs to start taking ownership and ask what they can do for the Democratic party, not what the Democratic party can do for them."

A political party is SUPPOSED to serve MY political interests, that is the POINT of making a PARTY. If they want my support, they should actually campaign for it instead of asking me how I can serve THEM.

If the politics of the party don’t align with my own, I will seek one that does. If that third party is structurally locked out of representation like it is in the US, I will seek to build support for the ideology in the community around me while voting for policies and candidates on an individual basis that support my political aims.
