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Redundancy (multiple instances making communities on the same subject) is a thing that’ll happen. I’m already subbed to communities on several instances dedicated to the same subjects. That can have an advantage, though, in that communities on the same subject but different instances can provide different perspectives on the subject depending on the makeup of the community in each instance (membership, modding, etc). Don’t like the community in one instance? Unsub from that one and hop on over to another one. Having one account able to access multiple instances allows for that. It can also help if one community or instance goes down for whatever reason, there may be another community/instance open where you can keep interacting. So I don’t see the redundancy thing as necessarily a problem.


Catholic here. Despite God’s forgiveness, Jesus never said salvation is guaranteed. As he said, “it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven”. And that’s just for the rich. There are other passages that emphasize the difficulty of gaining eternal life in Heaven, " the way is narrow", “you must take up your cross”, and so on. Christ’s death and resurrection made salvation possible in the first place. We couldn’t even have a hope of it without His help. He also gave us the way that we must follow to gain salvation now that it’s possible: belief in God and Christ, and following His commandments, given through the Church.

To put it in another way, we all have a relationship with God. That relationship was damaged through original sin in a way we could not repair on our own. God still has always loved us, but without Christ’s sacrifice, He could not forgive our betrayal through sin and therefore we remained separated from Him. Once Christ bore the burden of our sin and overcame it, that repaired humanity’s relationship with God overall and God is willing to forgive any sin, past or present, that we commit against Him. As long as we do not commit a serious sin, that relationship will stay intact. Two people in a relationship may do little things that annoy or lightly anger the other person, but we’ve all got stuff that aren’t “deal-breakers” with each other. But a serious sin done with full knowledge and of one’s own free will, which in the Catholic Church we call a mortal sin, is a “deal-breaker” that once again severs our own personal relationship with God and threatens our salvation. It’s basically a betrayal of God’s love. God has these rules and morality and such because He loves us so much He wants the absolute best for humanity and the world. Sin does damage to that, and mortal sin does damage to that in a big way. God is always willing to forgive, but in order for that to happen we have to show that we are sorry for breaking that relationship and promise/resolve that we will do our best to try not to do it again. We have to reconcile with God just as two people in a strained or broken relationship have to reconcile with each other. In the Catholic Church, we believe that reconciliation happens in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, where we confess what we did to a priest, who is in the person of Jesus at that time, and make that resolution to not sin again. The priest then offers a penance as a way to basically “make it up” to God, or as a theologian I heard once say, “clean up the glass and repair the window we broke”, and the good relationship with God is restored. Basically, yeah, God is always willing to forgive if we ask for it… But that doesn’t mean we still can’t break that relationship. I’d always be willing to forgive a best friend if they were to betray me, but if they actually did that, I’d still be mad, and if they don’t respond to my calls offering that forgiveness, well, there’s not much more I can do to fix the relationship with my friend at that point if they don’t want to be forgiven.


Game Sack is a long-running channel that’s one of the best retro game channels IMO. They release a video every week or two. MetalJesusRocks and his endless quest for Hidden Gems is also very good.


If Platinum was the last game you’ve played, and you are willing to pick up a Switch, Legends Arceus is a great choice. It’s set in the past of the Sinnoh region, features a somewhat decent amount of newer Pokémon, has a good story overall, and is generally agreed upon to be the best Pokémon game of generation 8. The semi-open world and ability to catch Pokemon without battling them (featuring stealth mechanics) make for unique and fun gameplay for the series. You can even complete the pokedex all on one cart without needing to trade.

If you want to pick up a “mainline” non-spinoff game, no better place to jump in than the current generation, in this case Scarlet/Violet. It’s the game with the most current stuff going on and with the most active community. Most of the complaints about it are about the graphics and framerate/performance on the Switch hardware, but many also say that despite the performance issues these are the best mainline games in the series from story and gameplay standpoints. There’s a lot of online bickering among fans who are both positive and negative on the gen 9 games, but I would say watch some YouTube or Twitch videos of gameplay preferably without commentary to see what the games are like and make up your own mind on it before paying for a Switch and the game.


Wouldn’t the Japanese model also have a much larger library of games available and be able to use the RAM carts to boost performance?


Basically “embrace, extend, extinguish” in a nutshell.


It’s a start, but hopefully they drop the idea altogether It’s bad enough as it is, we don’t need more.


You mean I can’t get the dust out of the Wii U disk drive that way?


As laughable as it sounds, the Sega 32X. I was a Genesis kid and one birthday my parents bought me Star Wars Arcade not understanding that it required the 32X to play. I kept telling them that the game wouldn’t work without it (even showing them that it wouldn’t fit in the regular Genesis slot) and they kept insisting that I must be doing something wrong or that I could just cut the corners off the cartridge to make it fit. So I wanted the 32X to play Star Wars, as well as this strange Knuckles game I kept hearing about (which I know is Knuckles’ Chaotix). Never ended up getting one. Got an N64 soon after, much better decision.
