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I had no idea this was Canadian! Seems like Canadian game devs are really making top notch games.


I canceled my Amazon Prime subscription over this. I still am currently living in America but plan on moving back within the year. Might even try living in Quebec.

Anyone know of good alternatives to Amazon? I know Canadian alternatives don’t quite exist, but is there a more ethical version of Amazon anywhere?


I had no idea that communities had taken off on Lemmy since 2 years ago! I didn’t even realize I still had an account on here.

Really excited to see where this goes, and to support a Canadian server. Fingers crossed that this gains more traction in Canada and can act as strong shield against misinformation and bad faith actors.

I’ll be certain to spread the word about this community more to fellow Canadians. I think with current events this could be the lightning in the bottle to see more usage here.

Any communities worth looking at?


Hi! I’m the brain drain!

I am a dual citizen with a MA in History (I know, real high value degree lol). I’m fucking leaving. The best shot to get a stable job with my degree in the US was with the federal gov. Overnight that has been shown to be a myth with all the illegal firings of federal workers, including the state museums. Those that are staying are forced to perverse and erase history. I refuse to rewrite or omit history.

I’m leaving once my lease is up in America. I wanted to move back home to my native Canada anyways, but this admin has convinced me it is not only the best move for me, but also morally.


And the more time Canadian consumers and industries have to find new (or rediscover) alternatives. If he hit us with this like he said we would right of the bat, it would’ve hurt way more. Every day he threatens Canada with this, the weaker the threat becomes.


That’s where I’m kinda at at the moment too. Just fucking do it or don’t already. If you don’t want to buy our shit just don’t and we will find new markets to sell to. There is an endless queue of people in line to buy Canadian goods, raw resource or manufactured. It’s just that the US always made the most geographic and geopolitical sense.

If this is actually an attempt to bring manufacturing jobs back to America (a fruitless and losing battle for most industries but still), then all they had to do was give Canadian industries a heads up “hey, we are gonna slowly wean off of you guys, nothing personal. Hope you find new markets.” Simple as. They are not obligated to buy our shit and we aren’t obligated to sell it to them either. They’re the assholes who pressured us into these free trade agreements and now they’re upset that the “invisible hand” of capitalism isn’t giving them a handy or has a inherent pro-American bias.

Just a bunch of children that are upset that the rest of the world has finally caught up and/or recovered from the destruction of WW2 and can genuinely compete with the US in just about every regard, especially education and industry. American exceptionalism is only real in the sense that America was the exception to the mass destruction and loss of life in both world wars by being fucking pussies that joined both world wars late and after the enemy was already thoroughly exhausted and bled dry by the Allies. There is nothing particularly remarkable about America in the modern world excluding its vast natural resources and severely over-funded military. They love capitalism but not competition.


I can’t tell whats more annoying: if they did it out of malice or indifference.

Either way, the cultural homogenizing effects of mass social media is a mistake and must be fought against. Countries that primarily speak English are at the greatest threat of this. If I had a magic genie I’d wish that Canadian’s native language was anything other than English so people’s minds wouldn’t be so easily poisoned by all the dumb bullshit media the US produces. There are genuinely people in Canada who believe they have Second Amendment rights.

I’ve been saying this lately, but Canada as a whole needs to emulate what Quebec is doing to protect its cultural identity. Limit American media coming into the country. Defend and cultivate our unique cultural identity at all costs.

Anyone that says Canada is not distinguished culturally from America is ignorant. I am a dual citizen who has lived in and loved both countries. Just because we are neighbours, mostly white, and speak the same language, does not make us identical. We have a different social fabric. The biggest difference is that America is a extremely individualistic society, and Canadians are a collective society. I’d call us socialist, but that word immediately turns off the listening ears of Americans as they have been programmed since McCarthy to reject socialism in all forms – even though America has dozens of socialist programs such as social security and food stamps. To explain socialist concepts to Americans you have to use synonyms. It’s like feeding a dog a pill covered in fucking peanut butter. Gotta “trick” them to help them because they just don’t understand otherwise. I don’t wanna trick anybody I just wanna help but stupid fucking billionaires got these idiots convinced socialist concepts are gonna destroy the country. Oh no! We made your medications cheaper and allowed you to unionize so you can get better wages and job security! So evil! I swear, if you changed “Union Dues” to “Employment Insurance” they’d be all aboard.

  • Rimworld is created by Tynan Sylvester, who lives in Ottawa. Fantastic colony sim game that still gets consistent and major updates alongside the DLC releases.

  • Torn Banner Studios, creators of Chivalry and Chivalry 2, the Medieval multiplayer combat games are also Based in Toronto. They recently declared Chiv 2 to be a completed game, ceasing anynew content updates but still supporting the servers and community. They seem to be cooking up something new, but no info yet.

  • Hinterland Studios, creators of The Long Dark, a survival game, are based in Vancouver. The game is slower paced with realistic survival mechanics in rural north BC I believe. It’s not abandoned, but updates very slowly. Cool devs though.

All of these games have active dev and fan communities. Rimworld has a SUPER talented & stable modding community.


They’re done this globally apparently. They just got rid of the provincial park option and defaults all government operated nature reserves, of any government, as “state parks”.

Seems very shortsighted and with a disregard for other countries. Extremely confusing move by google.
