Must be nice living in that bubble of yours:
Or do you know the Russian economy better than its dictator?
Well at least things are accelerating down there, hopefully the madness will end soon enough, so the image they’re trying to project won’t hold for long.
It’ll be interesting to see how an already aging population will fare with so many of the active population dead.
Last time it happened in the West, it took imperialist pigs in the West a few notches down. Let’s hope for Russians and the neighbouring countries they bully the story will be similar with the pigs in the Kremlin this time.
Oh, ma sœur me l’a envoyé ce matin. J’aurais imaginé avec la gratuité des transports en commun que la masse salariale aurait rétréci, mais je suppose que ça libère du budj pour recruter d’autres types d’employés?
Il me semblait que Thunderbird était antérieur à Rust. Est-il entièrement en Rust ou bien seulement partiellement?
Of all the things to complain about, people care about a fucking flag?