I am not advocating attacks on civilians, not only is it immoral it is a waste of ammunition that does nothing to advance strategic goals.
The movers and shakers driving this war have sat out long enough.
Bring the war home for them. Start hitting military targets in and around Moscow. Specifically, air defenses and others that will cause Moscow to pull resources from Ukraine to defend Moscow
Their yes men will not be able to deny a constant barrage of explosions around them and Putin will have to placate them by reassuring them with visible military resources
I prefer mine extra slutty
Like OP’s mom
Oh, I thought winning the war was more important than continuing the attrition
Plenty of air defenses surrounding Moscow, force Russian aircraft to patrol the skies around Moscow instead of dropping bombs on Ukraine
Bringing the war home to Muscovites is worth more than refineries
It’s fine, GW didn’t listen to his intel analysts either
he gave himself a pat on the back for his executive order ending equitable hiring processes, issued last week, which claimed that the FAA “specifically recruited and hired individuals with ‘severe intellectual’ disabilities, psychiatric issues, and complete paralysis.” Trump has a history of attacking disabled people and of insulting his political opponents by asserting that they are “mentally disabled.”
Every accusation is an admission
These attacks need to be on Moscow or they will go unnoticed
Edit: only military targets in and around Moscow
I like to piss in that guy’s gas tank