I really like this, although quite depressing.
It’s actually 40 something now. If you pull the UPS Teamsters National Agreement for 2018-2023 there’s cost of living language in there that put them over $40. So let’s call it $50, plus the $2.50 raise that was just negotiated is $52.50. $52.50x40=$2100.00 x 52 = $109,200. Factor in benefits if you’d like on top of that.
It’s nowhere near that. Their benefits are paid by the teamsters/dues. Their pay raises from their current top rate is here on page 41. https://teamster.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/UPDATED-ENGLISH-BLACKLINE-MASTER-TA-8.5.23.pdf
Well, if you don’t care about comfort or safety go with the one on the right. I’d be curious to see how that KEI Truck holds up in a major collision with the average American SUV.
Gotta pay for all those new agents.