So, no one in those countries became homeless and bankrupt because of an illness and lost their job? I am asking genuinely because I wouldn’t know.
What happens when one of them doesn’t like their commanding officer? Do they ask demand to speak to a supervisor?
So, it was never official? They need a bill for this!?!?
“How is modern times different than you predicted or hoped it would be?”
“What changed that you wished didn’t; what hasn’t changed that you wished did change?”
“Dying of planet” was a term used in the 17th and 18th centuries to describe a sudden and severe illness or paralysis that was attributed to astrology and the influence of malevolent planets. People who died from “planet” exhibited symptoms similar to strokes, heart attacks, and aneurysms. At the time, people who picked up bodies for burial often knew little about the cause of death. Other causes of death listed in The Diseases, and Casualties this year being 1632 included “affrighted” and “made away themselves”. -Via Overview.
And your doctor will have to fight with the insurance company over the phone for an hour to do a pre-auth. When my doctor wants to perform something or give a certain treatment not covered, he assures me he will make this long and stressful call. I really wonder what they are discussing and what goes on in these conversations…