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I haven’t heard of that one but I’ll definitely watch it, thanks for the recommendation! In my city the small Uyghur community has been quite vocal about the treatment of their friends and family back home, many of whom they haven’t been able to contact for years due to the crackdowns. In particular, there was a family who ran a restaurant I used to eat at semi-regularly whose story received worldwide media attention. I have felt quite strongly about this issue since then.


I’m not sure if estimated distances have much use. Everyone wears different shoes, has a different body, different running style and runs in different conditions and on different surfaces. Shoes will wear differently based on all of these factors and a pair that lasts longer for one person might not last as long for another. I don’t pay attention to how far I’ve run in a pair of shoes and just replace them when they’re no longer comfortable or easily repairable. So I would say: if they’re causing you discomfort or you’re changing your running to accommodate them then it’s time to move on. Both of those things could cause injuries. If you’re still enjoying running in them then maybe you can wait a little longer.


I do not see why everyone wants to deny this and trust big tech.

This is the exact same logic conspiracy theorists use with aliens - “everyone wants to deny they exists and trusts the government, are you guys brainwashed!!!”.

Where is your proof this technology exists and is currently being used? The 404 media articles are not proof of either of these things. They are proof that CMG has some marketing slides and a former web page claiming that they have the capability to do this. They are proof that CMG has contacted at least one other company and tried to sell them this alleged service. They are not proof that the technology is being used, or that it even exists.

It’s so ironic that you claim we are the brainwashed ones for demanding proof, yet you naively assume that CMG must really have developed this technology and employed it worldwide just because they said so. No one would ever lie about the capabilities of their company to inflate its worth and make more money! Only bad big tech lies, everyone else in the world is 100% honest!


Why would anyone believe you? You have provided zero evidence to support anything you’ve said here.


Only if we’re talking about total users.The number of monthly active users (MAU) shouldn’t be affected by this, unless Meta is counting an active Facebook/Instagram who has opened a Threads account as an active Threads user (regardless of their Threads usage).


They don’t clog the feed, the overwhelming majority of posts here are links to articles. Your lack of motor control is also not our problem.


This is a pretty good overview of the human rights problems associated with the Chinese technology industry. It’s why I decided to stop purchasing products designed by Chinese companies a few years ago, after watching a Frontline documentary about it. It just felt wrong to be putting money into a sector of their industry that I know is being used to oppress billions of people. That’s not to say non-Chinese technology companies don’t have their own significant problems but there is a very obvious and direct link between the Chinese state and the Chinese private sector that doesn’t exist elsewhere (at least not on this scale).


From my understanding, Bluesky (despite its recent growth) isn’t particularly big either. Threads claims to have a lot of users and I assume it would have the easiest time attracting normies, but I am still sceptical of its long-term viability. I feel like the people leaving X would have quite a bit of crossover with people who despise Meta.

So that leaves us with a fourth competitor, which is nothing at all. Anecdotally I think this is what I am seeing the most - people who leave X are just abandoning the entire concept of microblogging, since the point of it is to speak to a large audience and none of the competitors can really deliver that right now. The appeal of Twitter was that everyone (who was interested in microblogging) was on it; smaller, niche communities are fine for discussion boards and group chats but microbloggers don’t really want to be screaming into a void where most people will never hear them. Microblogging was never even particularly popular anyway (when compared with other forms of social media) and I wouldn’t be particularly surprised if the downfall of X eventually kills the concept for most people in society.


The first time I read that title I thought jt was implying conspiracy theorists aren’t human lol


I don’t know why you guys keep pretending X is Truth Social levels of dead. Is this just copium or are you really that far removed from reality? X is absolutely in a significant decline but it’s still the dominant microblogging platform by a mile. All politicians, all media organisations, all celebrities use X. And ultimately these are the accounts that will determine whether X remains relevant in mainstream society.
