

2 posts • 47 comments
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I love that, but more importantly, someone finally realized having a touchpad is not a “convenience”, it’s core to making the steamdeck-lite platform work beyond just playing console-like games


how’s the current state of controller support? i played a bit during EA but had been planning on waiting til the PS5 release cuz I figure the layout options would be in a better state by then.


fair changes, but the ONLY way forward is to fire riccitello. i don’t see how anyone can trust them again until that happens.

removal of the retroactivity piece will likely appease a large number of devs tho (dunno if it’ll be the majority but that was the biggest wtf for me)


really glad we got to hear about a straight up comparison against space exploration. i’ll admit i was hoping they’d go a different direction (i’ve seen people mention going underwater which i think would have been a ton of fun and a guaranteed differentiator from anything currently available)

all that aside, the most interesting parts for me are the engine changes:

  • improved blueprints? how? i can’t say i’ve ever had much to complain about with factorios blueprint system
  • better flying robots behavior. this one could be huge, when i built a large base it was hard to properly balance logistics robots and not feel like they were just not working as well as they should

a year away tho! that’s okay, we’ll live, i just got sucked back into satisfactory (playing sf+ which is basically bobsangels for sf and it’s GLORIOUS).

i know all us diehards will pick it up sight unseeen, but unless there’s something flashy, like a graphical overhaul (which i’m not sure the diehards would be in favor of), i do wonder how it will stand out and attract the newer players that have been playing the newer automation games and might only look at factorio skin-deep and not get as excited for.

and i’m okay with all that, but i also want their work to be appreciated by as many people as possible so here’s to hoping they can nail the marketing


why does that initiative “only” need 383k signatures when the abortion initiative needs 600k? i’m assuming they don’t already have 220k signatures to explain the offset


are unity and unreal so different that your 10 years of experience in one isn’t helpful for the other? i’m not a game developer but I had assumed it was similar to web frameworks - definitely high switching costs for porting an existing project, but as a developer looking for a job there are still many portable skills.

i’d guess it also depends on what parts of the engine you are working in?


ahhh. i thought for sure he was suing the fleshlight manufacturer!


one last gift with a final check and a letter congratulating them on making it to the real world. i think one of my aunts was still sending me stuff but i got a letter from my uncle i think telling me i’d made it to the real world. at some point the gifts felt nice but we’re also kinda pointless so I totally appreciated the letter and the congrats.

edit: i also agree with the other comment tho. if you see something that makes you think of someone, by all means buy them a gift! but you don’t have to force something every year


how exactly could someone not benefit in some form from their father being president? i fail to see how that’s a surprise or in any way relevant. the question is, did joe do anything illegal to benefit his SON, and the answer the evidence seems to point to is NO.

now do a poll and ask “who gives a shit about hunter biden”


I really just wanna see the judge eviscerate this “no victims” defense BS. We do NOT wait for someone to be hurt to enforce the law. Can you imagine how many speeding tickets would be pled out of if this was a legitimate defense?

Even if you scope it down to the case at hand, we’d keep letting people commit financial fraud until the bank is finally harmed. And guess what happens when banks get fucked? The govt uses the common people’s tax dollars to bail them out.
