But seriously, the wealth distribution is crazy, and the diet is pretty bad too.
They lost the bid to hide them, the headline is unclear.
The reason we’re rushing is because the government wants to look capable but it’s not working out at all for them.
Swedish European government do anything [challenge]: impossible!
Then again I’m from the US when you can count on the government doing something stupid or evil every day. Unless they forget.
The USN didn’t understand Gotland until recently, we’ve been doing drills in the area now, we took a second but we figured it out.
We’re not malicious or uncaring, just… kind of slow.
As an American with a Swedish wife, if anything serious happens in the baltic, I think you can safely expect Virginia-class subs to start sprouting like dandelions.
Sweden isn’t in NATO, but neither is New Zealand, and if China started sending boats for unfriendly visits I’m pretty sure we’d tool up and say “What’s all this then?!”
I haven’t been following, but that’s actually good to hear, proxmox needs a better ui.
LXD, I suppose for the migration, but for any more complex orchestration I think you’ve moving to k8s or something more serious, LXD just has an odd “not enough but too much” feature set for me, I like things either push-button, or let me do it, this is kind of both.
Because nobody else is suicidal enough to dare confront one, ever.
It had a record of 23:0 against the f-15, which has a record of 104:0 against every other fighter its gone up against.
The f22 is the air combat version of an aimbot combined with a wall hack.