Fleury is a saint
The mice will see you now.
It’s OKAY to say no.
In the short term, renting isn’t always stupid if you can own, but most of the time it is. In the long term, renting is, with very rare exceptions, much worse than buying. For context, even those who bought in 2005 at the peak of the last housing bubble on a fixed 30y are saving a fuckton by owning rather than renting. They would be paying 3-4x more renting than owning today.
It’s not the criticism. It’s the condescension and bitterness. Your case is an outlier; an anecdote, yet you’re talking about it like it’s the norm when the data shows it is not. So I asked what your story is, because that’s the important part. What happened? What lesson can people learn from your situation that might help them avoid it themselves?