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Uh, if what your saying is true, that sounds like an absolute victory for Spez. He never wanted good communities, he wanted communities he could market to. Having the idiot right wing that buys Chinese hats that says MAGA is absolutely the audience he wants.

In fact, if you’re all correct and the old social media is just straight going to the right wing and the left wing goes underground to techie sites like Lemmy, their voices will get magnified. Which is already happening with bud and Starbucks. Oh we are fucked…


That’s absolutely true of China’s military equipment. It is absolutely close to equal to US equipment. The problem China has is it has no soldiers. It has a lot of people they call soldiers, but do not have people actually ready to fight.

India recently sailed both their aircraft carriers and ran sorties on them. This was massive show of force to China. China the country with 3 aircraft carriers, one of them super carrier level. So why is just sailing 2 aircraft carriers a show of force?

China has never sailed more than one aircraft carrier at a time. They simply don’t have enough sailors or pilots to do it. China’s military has a budget just like any other military. They spent all the money on equipment and nothing on training. They have a couple hundred thousand soldiers with full body armor and night vision, and that’s it. US in comparison, this is the most basic level of protection. China simply did not invest enough on training and basics.

This is why you see all the articles about China hiring foreign pilots to train them. China is fully aware of it’s limits and are actively trying to change that. As the US generals have already said, China is moving towards being able to overpower, but not today.

*Edit. And this is also the biggest difference between Russia and China. China is aware of their capabilities, where as Russia believed it’s own propaganda. If and when China attacks, it will be devastating. However, I’m in the camp of believing they will never attack. Because they’ll never feel ready. For all Xi said about being ready for war, they’re no better today with training than they were 10 years ago. Even though today they’re flying 5th gen stealth fighters.


The reason you think that is because you’ve never been to China. No city’s average 5G speeds is as low as 150MB.

https://www.statista.com/statistics/1290784/china-5g-download-speed-by-province/#:~:text=As of the first quarter,5G infrastructure development progressed rapidly.

The problem is you’re using YOUR countries poor excuse for 5G as a reason to say it’s inferior.


Maybe if your country didn’t ban Huawei, the creators of 5G you wouldn’t think it’s an inferior product.


Maybe try reading the articles I posted. In the second one, Eric Schmit from Google explains the problem. Essentially Huawei’s 5G covers more spectrums than western ones. So you’ll never get the full performance from western 5G making people like you think 5G is inferior when it’s really the poor implementation.

*Edit: I’ll also add that was the hilarity of the US 5G knocking out airplanes. Since the US can’t use as varied spectrums as Chinese hardware can, they ended up interfering with US airplanes.



… you don’t understand at all. I am not going to be able to explain it to you. There are no special spectrums. US equipment can only do mid band where as Huawei can also do high and low. That’s the problem. There’s no magic that you seem to think there is.

*Edit. Also this has nothing to do with how many towers there are. The towers near the airports were always there. Yet they interfered because USA can only do mid band. Had they been able to do low band there wouldn’t have been issues.


You’re not understanding what I’m saying. I’m saying the FCC currently cannot roll out other bands because their equipment doesn’t work. Yes, they have plans to once the equipment works, but currently they’re only rolling out mid-bands because that’s all they have. Listing the FCC’s failure doesn’t change that the US hasn’t been able to roll out the entire spectrum where as China did.


Ah yes, the country with the 3rd largest stock exchange is clearly much smaller than other countries.


What are you smoking and where can I get some?


That’s exactly what type of traffic these articles are alerting. Which is why there’s no need to even pay attention to it.

Also Thailand has had Chinese military visit it’s country as well as trained with Chinese soldiers. If you know so little, why comment?


Ten Chinese air force aircraft entered Taiwan’s air defence zone . . . Of those aircraft, the ministry said 10 had either crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait, which previously served as an unofficial barrier between the two sides, or entered the southwestern part of Taiwan’s air defence identification zone, or ADIZ.

This is what the original post quoted. Flying over international air space is NOT news worthy. Unless China does it, suddenly it’s news. And yes, in case you don’t understand, the median line IS international air space. In fact, that’s USA’s whole point of freedom of navigation is that anyone can fly or sail over that median line.

So if your argument that countries shouldn’t freely fly or sail over the Taiwan Strait, you agree with China, NOT Taiwan.


Ah classic, your all for rule of law until there’s an actor you don’t like following rule of law. Suddenly the law should change just for them. Hypocrite.
