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I’m an animation student and have realized at some point in my life, that this planet cannot be saved without moving to a class-less, state-less and money-less society. I consider myself a Marxist.

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Oh yeah. They worked out some weird pyramid-theory right? I have heard about it in conversation a week ago, but haven’t had time to look into it. I agree with a comrade of mine tho; simply making everyone the imperialists doesn’t help u at all in analyzing the world.


First Thought on YouTube and a german communist newspaper called “Der Funke”


Yeah that’s my concern xD. I’m one year away from graduation so I actually have to think about getting a job. And while I have one job offer, I think at least in my field, jumping from one job to another is pretty normal, so that could potentially be rendered impossible for me in the worst case scenario.

The way I personally thought about posting art is that I’ll keep the message more hidden for the first few years… Tho it also feels bad to limit oneself so much just cuz of some liberals. Not saying that’s the best way to do it, especially cuz I love seeing artworks like these and I’d hate to see them disappear. If there were openly socialist companies or networks that had money and would hire people, ya know that would be a dream come true. Tho it’s prolly impossible.

Either way, good job with the artwork. I love the artstyle and hope to potentially see more!


Yo we got Mario on our side!

Fr though, real nice artwork. What program did u use?

Btw, as a fellow artist I have a question: how do u publish ur art without losing job possibilities? O.o cuz that’s smth I’m worried about. I wanna work on projects and later maybe fully fleshed films that are openly revolutionary, but outing myself as Marxist to all my future employers really strikes me as not the smartest thing to do, considering I want to get jobs firstly.

Sry for this long of a text, I always meant to ask someone but I couldn’t find a comrade who’s also an artist.


I love rap. Communist rappers especially are simply spitting truth. Aside from that, music from generally communist countries or as you put it revolutionary/socialist music is usually really good. But I also listen to plenty non-political music like, Indie-Pop, Folk, some not too aggressive Metal, Rock, …whatever “bluegrass” is supposed to be? idk for me it’d be easier giving you artists and songs I listen to xD


Totally! A few years ago I ate all this garbage up like it was nothing. I loved watching his videos and often found myself being hyped over some new product just after watching his videos, it was fckn crazy. It’s disgusting and soulless and everything’s just so flashy, exciting and funny in his vids. Look, I bought even more metric tons of stuff I won’t ever need, do the same! 16.1 million ppl seem to like that… Of course there’s even more content creators like him, which makes this even more sad, but I also feel like he’s the flashiest and most significant one, for me it felt so at least.


Def this T-34. I’m just drawn to it.


Fear? My dear comrade, just imagine how much quicker we could bring about communism if we were all just a bunch of literal tanks. The liberals are unknowingly digging their own graves.

Now, which tank to do u think u’ll be?


Soo many ppl are landlords. Honestly as long as it’s possible and encouraged, ppl will be landlords and it’s hard to do anything about it. You cannot change the fact that ure profiteering off of it cuz it appears as though ure still quite young and thus bound to them. This may be a stretch but remember we in the west are all living off of the suffering of the global south. Just being ashamed won’t do much. I guess the best one can do is better oneself as a person and a communist and also organize as to help move towards a future where the right to have a roof over ones head is considered a given. And at the end, I think it’s commendable that you’re even aware of your parent’s wrongdoings. There’s ppl i know who are the children of entrepreneurs and are just so oblivious. To them it’s the most natural thing that they got everything handed on a silver tablet, on the backs of their worker’s hard work.


I don’t know u, but i wish nothing but the best to you! It’s totally cool to not be political or to try to structure your life around something not political, totally ur choice. Who am I to judge that? I don’t think personally anyone has the right to do so. I found for instance that, committing to communism at heart and starting to organize, really gave me some porpuse as I suddenly started learning a lot and found some really cool and likeminded ppl. Well but that doesn’t rly solve a lot of the mental issues i’m facing, therefore I also need to go see a psychologist. But ultimately I can also understand why one would choose to limit the political aspect of ones life, especially since it does take a lot of ones time and energy. Still, hope to see u 'round.

Edit: Also, that is a pretty sick pfp o.O
