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I’m an animation student and have realized at some point in my life, that this planet cannot be saved without moving to a class-less, state-less and money-less society. I consider myself a Marxist.

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I don’t agree with ppl saying it’s a waste of time to debate others. Depending on the person ure talking with, it may be very possible that you help them move into the right difection. Or maybe the ppl listening. That’s partially how i got here.

I have a friend who continuously asks questions abt communism, but will then counter my answers with an assumptions of his, but in a friendly, devil’s advocate kinda way. That’s pretty much a debate, I think and so far I could help him understand certain concepts. When I’m outta answers I simply say that I have no clue atm and know that I have to look up that certain topic and learn more abt it. So it’s helpful to myself as well.

While I don’t have anything to recommend for forming better arguments, in my experience, the better you understand a topic the better you are at arguing for it. Very often it’s simply abt not falling for the usually false, misinformed premise ur ‘opponent’ presents u with. I’ve also found that it’s best not to engage people at all who are just looking for a fight. Hope this helped.


Yeaa figures. Parenti talked abt how Bernie’s “bombing Yugoslavia is lit” stance back then marked the end of their friendship.

Events like these, where everyone with a clear mind can clearly observe the absolute abomination that is the liberal worldview, seem to be occuring regurarly enough to radicalize entire generations of ppl. Bastards like Bernie will die out one way or another.


…my condolences. I didn’t know shit was hitting the fan like this in Belgium. This sounds so fckn illegal fr. Was that in response to the actions of the harbor unions?

In Austria the terrorism threat has been hightened; that’s all I know abt. Like there’s gonna be more soldiers stationed at the parliament and whatnot. Oh and it’s illegal to cover your face significantly for a few years now. So at unauthorized demonstrations what might happen is police reminding ppl it’s illegal to cover ones face and once the demonstrators are kettled, they might get an additional fine to the normal one. Tho if every protestor would object, any lawsuit would prolly be retracted; that is if enough ppl r affected.


There’s a German/Austrian greenwashed alternative called Avocadostore. Might wanna take a look at that. It says it has several requirements if one wants to sell anything on there, regarding ones business’ “climate friendliness” or so. Most stuff on there is on the more expensive side of things as one could imagine and I got no idea abt the quality. Regarding shipping, even to Austria the costs are like 10€ or so. Been a while since I took a look at it… Might be worth checking it out.


They’re trying to scare off ppl from protesting… These are our so-called democracies every lib loves so much. In school I once learned protesting was one of our most important rights under democracies. Whatever happened to that o.O

Meanwhile incredible activists around me are losing their jobs for standing up to genocide. Hearing abt these cases just makes me wanna raise my voice even further. Tho I wouldn’t know what I’d do if I literally lost all my job opportunities. Literally only cuz I stood up against the cowardly slaughter of babies. At least I did the right thing then.


Yoo totally! Thx for the suggestion, I’ll make sure to look into him. Any specific work you’d have in mind?


I am a 5th year Animation student, currently working on my group’s and mine second 3d animation short so far. It’s anti-capitalist in its message, but I rly wonder how the storytelling could be different in a marxist direction. Obv we weren’t exactly taught to create communist films (tho we got at least one communist teacher.) Either way, I’ll take anything you can give me o.O


Russia being the bad one in the war with Ukraine. I used to tell my mother, that one can totally be against both Russia and the US, and I just didn’t get how she could talk abt them defending themselves from Nato and so on.

And then I became a dirty lil Commie.

Also the term “Tankie”. I rly thought (due to influencers like NFKRZ) that tankies were stupid ppl who didn’t understand history or so… AND THEN I BECAME A TANKIE - Proudly so.


That’s a rly interesting perspective. I too feel like I can’t remember important stuff from the books I read cuz the information mushes together in the end, but I never thought abt reading another book to counter that.

Imma try that and see if it works lol


Oh, true. I only read Lenin’s “Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism” as of yet. Do you have any specific book recommendations from him?
