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Thank you. This is amazing.


This. I haven’t had ads since Adblock came out in 2009. I switched to uBlock Origin few years ago, without it browsing would be intolerable.

Last spring I helped a colleague with her work laptop and saw Chrome without adblocker. It was hideous.

I installed uOrigin instantly and got the reputation of “Tech Wizard Who Can Make Ads Go Away”. Turned out that almost no one had ever even heard of this possibility.


I love the taste of meat. There are very few things in world that taste as good as raw beew strips or or raw venison with a dash of salt and pepper.

Still, about 10 years ago I started eating less red meat for health reasons (both sides of my family have long history with high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases). I’ve always loved vegetables as well, so the change wasn’t so hard.

Maybe 5 years ago a lot of plant based protein products started to show up in the supermarkets here, so I decided to give them a try. And I found out they were pretty good. I actually now prefer plant based burger steaks over the real ones, and my spaghetti bolognese is far better when I make it with the fake minced meat.

My dad used to work in the dairy industry in the early 80’s and he told me thst he got to taste the early fake meat products while visiting some production plant in Denmark or Sweden. All the guests were served two minced meat steaks, of which the other one was plant or dairy based. None of them could tell the difference even back then.


I have many projects going on.

  1. Complete window / frame restauration underway at the country house built in the fifties, I scraped all the original paint off by hand and now I’m waiting for drier days to finish the painting.

  2. Fixing the terrace at the country house, I laid the first new layer of concrete to fix the corroded parts just last Thursday. When it dries I’ll see if an entire additional layer is required. Next summer I’ll also rebuild the terrace fence and install growth lines for vines over the terrace.

  3. Acoustic Research AR-7x speaker restauration. I installed the new woofer surrounds few weeks ago, now I’m waiting for the ferrofluid for the tweeters to arrive by mail. Just yesterday I found suitable and cheap linen cloth for the new covers in a nearby cloth shop.

  4. Fixing the rain gutters at home, the weight of last winter’s snow and ice pulled some if the screws off. This is a priority.

  5. Yard fence repainting, I rebuilt a large part of the fence in June but the weather has been too hot / humid to paint the old parts.

  6. New ceiling curtain rail installation at home. Would be easy per se, but it’s a two man job and the ceiling is high…

  7. Motorcycle needs a new heat resistant paint job for the exhaust.

  8. Two sets of new custom speaker stand parts are cut and ready for welding, just haven’t had the time to start it yet.

…and many more.


I have a 62 EU sized head too, fitting hats and comfortable headphones have been pretty hard to find.

For what purpose are you looking the headphones? Gaming, music, watching videos? Closed, semi-open or open models? Wired or wireless?

I bought an earlier model of these ~10 years ago and they have served as reliable and very enjoyable general purpose headphones without any issues. And they have never fallen off, even though they do not clamp very hard on your head.



Very fast reflexes and I can see in the dark far better than most people.

I had never realized that my eyes were different until my compulsory miltary service. I could reasily read maps when others couldn’t see shit and I never stumbled during night training in the forest.

Fast reflexes are generally pretty cool to havel, but it’s not fun when a knife falls off the kitchen table and it is impossible to stop your own hand trying to catch it.

My “learned talent” is fixing mechanical devices. When I was 6 or 7 I took apart and fixed the family VCR so I could finish watching the Smurfs. My mom found me studying the jammed mechanism, with all the parts lying on the living room carpet. She had a fit and wanted to collect the parts away, I started crying and told her that I’ll never get it back together if she messes up their places. She watched as I released the stuck tape wheel and reassembled the device. And it worked.

I’ve fixed countless devices with just visual analysis and pure intuition after that.


No. I am an elementary / special education teacher.

My salary is not even a near-decent compensation for the effort I have make every day to keep the most disturbed kids in line. Or the physical abuse I have to put up with, constantly.

I’ve been punched, kicked, bitten, spat on, had chairs thrown at me and stabbed with pencils and scissors so many times.

But since we teachers have “a really long summer vacation, how the fuck do you dare to complain about your shitty pay?”

Yet I try to fight the good fight and force myself to the school every day, since somebody’ has to try to fix those kids before they’re truly beyond saving.


My feelings exactly.

I saw TOS when I was 9-10 years old and it was mindblowingly good compared to almost anything else you could see on TV at the time in my backwater country.

Few years later I learned that this new series TNG will start airing and I was very excited. My disappointment was endless when I saw the pilot.

I strongly disliked the general production aesthetics and Enterprise-D looked just stupid compared to the iconic original/refit Enterprise of TOS era. The characters felt so empty compared to the old crew and the first season scripts weren’t so great, so I gave up on the series after seeing few episodes. This was in the early 90’s.

15 years later I saw a few episodes from the later seasons and to my surprise found that they were good. So I watched the entire series and enjoyed it. I still prefer TOS and love the new SNW, there’s something about the older era setting that just hits me in the feels.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing.


Wasn’t that Chewie’s dad?
